03-05-2012, 04:09 AM
Hello, I need some help with optimizing my server. I'm not sure what kind of server.cfg configurations I should have but this is what I'm running for now:
I also run -tickrate 1000 in the srcds.exe command. (which cause alot of lag )
I wondered if anyone could help me with these configurations?
MY pc specs are:
-Intel Core i7 2670QM / 2.2 GHz (quad core)
-RAM 8 GB DDR3 ( 2 x 4 GB )
My internet speed is:
// Recommend use notepad++ or indent broke
// Basic settings
"hostname" "Fredrik's server [Custom jobs, shipments, weapons. fast DL. PHX-,wire-svn]" // Server Name for Server List
"rcon_password" "" // Remote control password (Blank to Disable) (Recommend use strong password)
"sv_password" "" // Server password (Blank to Disable)
"sv_region" "0" // Use for server list filtering: eastcoast: 0 - westcoast: 1 - south america: 2 - europe: 3 - asia: 4 - australia: 5 - middle east: 6 - africa: 7 - world: 255
"sv_lan" "0" // Lan only (1) or Public (0)
"sv_pure" "1"
// If you want use fast download, please remove slash and change to your server url.
"sv_downloadurl" "http://fredrik.horizon-host.com/FASTDL/"
"sv_allowdownload" "0"
sv_allowdownload "0"
// Sandbox server settings
"sbox_godmode" "0" // 1: No Damage 0: Normal
"sbox_plpldamage" "1" // 1: Disable PvP 0: Enable PvP
"sbox_noclip" "1" // 1: Enable Noclip 0: Disable Noclip
// Sandbox limits. 0 to Disable. -1 to Unlimited.
"sbox_maxprops" "200"
"sbox_maxragdolls" "10" // Too much Ragdoll = Lag
"sbox_maxnpcs" "15" // NPC may crash the server.
"sbox_maxballoons" "100"
"sbox_maxeffects" "100"
"sbox_maxdynamite" "30"
"sbox_maxlamps" "30" // Too much Lamps = Low FPS
"sbox_maxthrusters" ""50
"sbox_maxwheels" "10"
"sbox_maxhoverballs" "20"
"sbox_maxvehicles" "5"
"sbox_maxbuttons" "40"
"sbox_maxemitters" "5"
"sbox_maxspawners" "3"
"sbox_maxturrets" "2"
// Sandbox WIRE limits
// If you are not running wire addon, remove this entire section.
"sbox_maxwire_wheels" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_waypoints" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_values" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_twoway_radioes" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_turrets" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_thrusters" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_target_finders" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_speedometers" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_emitters" "25"
"sbox_maxwire_simple_explosive" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_sensors" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_screens" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_relays" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_rangers" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_radioes" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_sockets" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_plugs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_pixels" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_panels" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_outputs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_oscilloscopes" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_locators" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_lights" "16"
"sbox_maxwire_inputs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_indicators" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_hoverballs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_gyroscopes" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_gpss" "10"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_trigs" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_times" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_selections" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_memorys" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_logics" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gate_comparisons" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_gates" "50"
"sbox_maxwire_explosive" "30"
"sbox_maxwire_dual_inputs" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_detonators" "20"
"sbox_maxwire_buttons" "25"
"sbox_maxwire_adv_inputs" "20"
//Load bans
exec "banip.cfg"
exec "banid.cfg"
//minimum rate allowed
// use 5000 for SRCDS Servers
sv_minrate 5000
// no limit on maxrate for LAN only use 7500 for regular server
// this controls how fast maps can be downloaded by clients
//sv_maxrate 0 = unlimited
// Use 9999 for SRCDS servers
sv_maxrate 9999
// this is the minimum playable updaterate, leave this at 13
sv_minupdaterate 13
// 60 for updaterate is LAN ONLY use 13 for internet
// 20 is default but will cut the maxplayers you can handle in 1/2
// for SRCDS Servers use 30 - you might be able to use 20
// sv_maxupdaterate 30
sv_maxupdaterate 30
fps_max 500
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_mincmdrate 100
I also run -tickrate 1000 in the srcds.exe command. (which cause alot of lag )
I wondered if anyone could help me with these configurations?
MY pc specs are:
-Intel Core i7 2670QM / 2.2 GHz (quad core)
-RAM 8 GB DDR3 ( 2 x 4 GB )
My internet speed is: