11-26-2011, 03:01 AM
Well i had my surf dm server for a while now. It gets up to 24/24 alot. Problem is, the fps of the server drops. I don't know if it's the processor or now. I would like to know if that processor can hold 24/24 server. It's surf dm.
My specs are:
Nothing else is running on the server.
at 6 players, srcds.exe takes up 15 % of cpu.
Im tryingto get the fps steady at 66.7 but it seems that it just seems unbalanced is there a way to make it like that without upgrading?
My specs are:
processor: intel core 2 duo 24500 @ 2.20 ghz 2 cores
ram: 1 gb
upload speed: 10 mbps
download speed: 50 mbps
operating system: windows home server 2008 or 2003(don't think it makes a difference unless im wrong)
at 6 players, srcds.exe takes up 15 % of cpu.
hostname "[gfl-clan.net] *Surf RPG Deathmatch*|Hlstats" // hostname of the server.
rcon_password "*****"
sv_password "" // password to server. // rcon password for the server(rcon_password, then rcon <command>). // what is says in the game tag in the browser.
///////////////GENERAL SETTINGS////////////////
mp_friendlyfire "0" // if 1, if you shoot a teamate it will hurt them.
mp_roundtime "9" // round time in 1 round.
mp_footsteps "1" // enable sound on footsteps.
mp_autoteambalance "1" // if there is 5 more players than the other team it will auto balance it.
mp_autokick "0" // auto kick.
mp_tkpunish "0" // team killing punish?
mp_forcecamera "0" // force the camera when someone dies?
sv_alltalk "1" // 0 = only players on that player's team can hear them, 1 = anyone can hear voice chats form anywhere.
sv_cheats "0" // disable or enable cheats.
sv_consistency "0" // so you can't use scripts and all of that, provents hackers.
sv_maxspeed "10000" // maxspeed.
mp_limitteams "1" // max limit of outnumbered players. Goes with sv_autobalance.
mp_hostagepenalty "0" // penatly if you kill a hostage.
sv_voiceenable "1" // voice chat.
mp_allowspectators "1" // allow people to join the specate.
mp_timelimit "25" // maps timelimit before it changes maps.
mp_chattime "10" // time between switching maps(chat time).
sv_timeout "60" // if you loose connection of the server, this is how long it will try to connect to the server again if hits number it will kick you.
mp_freezetime "1" // time before you can move at the beginning of the round.
mp_playerid "0" // plyayer id, if you point at a player and you see its name, 0 = you can see all names, 1 = team names only, 2 = disabled.
mp_flashlight "1" // turns flashlight on and off.
host_thread_mode 1
///////////////BANDWIDTH/FPS SETTINGS////////////////
fps_max "400" // max fps server can go, 400 is good enough.
sv_maxrate "40000" // max bytes in seconds the server get push against clients... 25000 is good, 50000 is max with 10 mbps upload.
sv_minrate "12000" // min bytes in seconds the server get push against clients.... 12000 or even 0 is good... This value CAN'T be more than sv_maxrate
sv_mincmdrate "33" // min cmd rate of the server, should be the half of maxcmdrate.
sv_maxcmdrate "67" // max cmd rate of the server, should be same as tickrate.
sv_minupdaterate "33" // min update rate of the server, should be the half of maxupdaterate.
sv_maxupdaterate "67" // max update rate of the server, should be same as tickrate.
net_splitpacket_maxrate "100000" // extra setting for fps boost.
//net_queued_packet_thread "1" // extra setting for fps boost.
//sv_client_min_interp_ratio "0" // extra setting for fps boost.
//sv_client_max_interp_ratio "1" // extra setting for fps boost.
//sv_parallel_packentities "0" // extra setting for fps boost.
//sv_parallel_sendsnapshot "0" // extra setting for fps boost.
///////////////WORLD SETTINGS////////////////
sv_lan "0" // sv_lan 0, 1 = only people on your connection can join, 0 = anyone can join.
sv_region "255" // the region, 255 = worldwide.
sv_contact "gflgamemann@aol.com" // contact email.
///////////////DOWNLOAD SETTINGS////////////////
sv_allowupload "1" // allow uploading files.
sv_allowdownload "1" // allow downloading files.
sv_downloadurl "http://dfn.serveredirect.com/cstrike/" // fast DL server url.
net_maxfilesize "100"
///////////////TAGS TO GET PEOPLE ONTO THE SERVER////////////////
sv_tags "gfl, games, for, life, games223, surf, deathmatch, rpg, alltalk" // tags for search.
///////////////USEFUL SURF SETTINGS////////////////
sv_enablebunnyhopping "1" // enables bhopping on the server.
sv_airaccelerate "150" // airaccelerate, if this is lower than 100 it will be very difficult to surf(150 is the best for my server).
///////////////BANS SETTINGS////////////////
exec "banned_user.cfg" // exec bans.
exec "banned_ip.cfg" // exec bans.
writeid // write id in log file.
writeip // write ip in log file.
///////////////LOGGING SETTINGS////////////////
log "on" // enable server logging or not.
logaddress_delall // flush some logs after a while.
sv_log_onefile "1" // log all logs in one file per day.
sv_logfile "1" // log on a file.
sv_logbans "1" // log bans in log file.
sv_logecho 1
logaddress_add box3.hlxce.net:27289
///////////////OTHER SETTINGS////////////////
sm_noblock_allow_block "0" // allow or not allow the !block command on the server.
sm_advertisements_interval "15" // delay between sending another advertisement for the server.
sm_forcetimelimit_enable "1" // make it so when the timelimit runs out, it ends the game and changes the map in the middle of the round.
sm_killignite_fraglimit "10" //amount of things
sv_visablemaxplayers "24"
Im tryingto get the fps steady at 66.7 but it seems that it just seems unbalanced is there a way to make it like that without upgrading?