SRCDS Steam group

[Resolved] Help, Cs Source installation and modules
Big Grin 
Hello everyone, I am currently installing a Counter Strike Source Server.

I performed the installation using the CS Source on a Linux server (CentOS 5) through the command:. / Steam-command update-game "Counter-Strike Source"-dir.

Servers installed we will use for a new project servers service games in the city of Argentina.

Servers also have installed AMX MOD X 1.6 with and Dproto, my question is:

1 - You can install the Dproto in a Cs Source Server?

2 - You can install the Metamod and AMX MOD X?

Can you help me complete the installation?

I'll be very grateful.

Greetings from Argentina.
I do not know what "Dproto" is, but if it is a SourceMod plugin then yes. Just follow the installation procedure you find on the sourcemod website.
Hi, thanks for responding. I followed step by step tutorial, but I want to install the module for the game Dproto accept connections from servers and NO STEAM STEAM.

Currently we are providing services only CS Game Server 1.6 and want to expand our service.

I want to know what modules installed by default in CS Source Server.

Thank you.


Sorry if I sound wrong, my English is not good.
There aren't any addons installed in CS:S by default. Everything has to be added to SourceMod/MetaMod:Source.

Oh.. the Dproto is a non-steam thing. I shall stop giving support.
@ama_eltuti We do not give support for non-steam servers. People should be paying for the games they play CS:S is $20, if you don't have a spare $20 you are living beyond your means already.

Thread closed.
~ trewq

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