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How much dedicated servers in this machine
Server OS: CentOS 5.6 x64
Processor: Intel i5 - 4x 2.66 GHz
Ram: 8 GB DDR3

How much Counter-Strike Source dedicated servers/player slots think this machine could host without problems?

Please don't take in account the bandwith.

Thanks in advance!
i5 = nehalem or sandy bridge?
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At first is an i5 nehalem, but could go for the sandy bridge one if I liked...

The question is, how much performance would I gain with the sandy?

So, if you could do an estimation in how much servers/slots could go in the nehalem... and how much more in sandy...

Thanks so much.
Well, you should be able to host "more" on the SandyBridge based ones. As they probably are more powerful.
Any estimation? 2 x 20 slots, 1 x 20... suppose it's i5 nehalem, thinking the worst case.

Thanks for your answers.
srcds is single threaded so, 1 server per core (4 in total) is possible without interference between them (supposing this automatic overclocking is switched off - which should be for game servers in any case). slotcount per core is difficult to tell (it strongly depends of mods, maps and plugins), but I would suggest more then 20... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
Do not ask technical questions via PM!
Well, I'll try to full 4x20 slots server, and ask people if they could play well.

Thanks for your answers, if I get any good conclusion I'll post here.

Anyways, if somebody wants to contribute her own number of srcds servers/slots that think this machine could run, I'd appreciate that.

Thanks for your answers!
I'll just put in my 12 cents, don't run CentOS on it. Run Debian or Ubuntu on it. Much better and easier to maintain.
An i5 Sandy Bridge would probably be able to host 3x20 slots, while the Nehalem version would be able to host 2x20 slots. You really get a lot more performance per Mhz with Sandy Bridge. Smile
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[Image: 1308107839.png]
Ok so, I'll start with 2x20; while no problems appear, I'll increase it to 4x20.

Thanks for the answers.
(09-23-2011, 06:08 PM)matus Wrote:  Ok so, I'll start with 2x20; while no problems appear, I'll increase it to 4x20.

Thanks for the answers.

You are welcome, just remember that the best way to find out, is to test it yourself. :-)
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