SRCDS Steam group

Connection and port forwarding issues
Installed srcds today for small group use. It runs, I can see it in game server list and connect to it fine, but no one else can, whether through list or direct external IP.

Server OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Processor: Intel i7 920 4 hyperthreaded cores at 2.66 GHz
Ram: 5GB
Game(s): TF2
Start Up Command: scrds.exe -console -game tf -hostport 27015 -ip +maxplayers 24 + map ctf_2fort
Admin Mods: none

Up: 4.14 Mbit/s
Down: 25.47 MBit/s
Router: DLink EBR-2310
Local IP of Server:
External IP:
Port Forwarding Screenshot:

[Image: 30079258.png]

Server screenshot:

[Image: 83708234.png]

And yes, this is hosted on the same machine that I play the game on. Performance issues aside (this is more bored tinkering to see whether I can run such a server decently, rather than a serious attempt to host a server), can anyone describe in detail why exactly that's bad, and how to deal with whatever problems arise. I'm led to believe by the lack of server messages that it's not causing port conflict issues currently, of course, I may be wrong.

Many thanks for help in advance.
Make sure your routers firewall and your computers firewall is allowing all outbound connections.

And try this command line after you verified that your routers firewall and your computers firewall is allowing outbound connections.
scrds.exe -console -game tf -ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 24 +map ctf_2fort
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Strange, now I can't connect after having started using either of the commands. I have now port forwarded everything in range 27000-27050 as well as port 1200, both UDP and TCP traffic. In addition, I've placed my PC in the DMZ and have no firewall no the computer itself (having disabled windows firewall). It just says failed to connect after 4 retries, however, I do see the server on the master list. Have yet to try anyone outside my lan connect.
You will need to connect to your server using your LAN IP, or "localhost" if it's the same computer. It should be in the LAN tab.

Also, you don't need to forward all those ports, 27015 is the only inbound port that will need to be forwarded through NAT, the rest are outbound ports that.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!

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