SRCDS Steam group

CSS: Server restart script
Heej all,

I got 3 war servers running in a dedicated server.
i Made 3 .sh files to load them.

i was wondering now, is it possible to reboot them with a script every night @ 5 am.

I also got public servers with .sh those must just stay online.


Just use cronjob to execute server starting script every night at 5.00, but think that there are also other solutions.
not formilure with cronjob wil google it.

i use to have a .sh script of 7 lines that fixed this but i can't find it annymore.
it also restart the server automatic when an admin did rcon quit.
Yes, making a cron will be your best bet.
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Just read-up on cronjobs and kill commands. It's quite easy. killall --e srcds_linux && killall --e srcds_run something like that.

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