I have been plugging around for a few hours now trying to figure this out, but it seems I am messing something up because I can't get this plugin to work. I asked in the thread, but my post was removed for some reason so I'm hoping that someone could help me with this simple question.
Spray Tracer Thread on AlliedModders
2. Ditto for this.
3/4. This is where I think I am going wrong. I have placed both these lines in server.cfg and sourcemod.cfg in multiple forms, but I can't seem to get it to work. I even threw in all of the CVARs hoping that would render something. Every time I have made a change I restarted but nothing has changed yet.
I am running the newest version of Sourcemod with its admin plugin on a TF2 dedicated server that is hosted by an online web server client. Attached are the files with the Spray Tracer portion at the bottom of each. Thank you for your time on this matter.
Spray Tracer Thread on AlliedModders
Quote:Installation Instructions:1. Downloaded the plugin and did that.
1.Copy spraytrace*.smx to addons/sourcemod/plugins
2.Copy spraytrace*.phrases.txt to addons/sourcemod/translations
3.Using RCON, do "sm plugins load spraytrace*"
4.Using RCON, do "sm plugins reload adminmenu"
2. Ditto for this.
3/4. This is where I think I am going wrong. I have placed both these lines in server.cfg and sourcemod.cfg in multiple forms, but I can't seem to get it to work. I even threw in all of the CVARs hoping that would render something. Every time I have made a change I restarted but nothing has changed yet.
I am running the newest version of Sourcemod with its admin plugin on a TF2 dedicated server that is hosted by an online web server client. Attached are the files with the Spray Tracer portion at the bottom of each. Thank you for your time on this matter.