SRCDS Steam group - server's can't handle the load?
Hi, i just bought a 11 slot warserver from (another one).
I'm running zBlock on it (the only addon) and the ESL config.

When we're playing the ping rises to 200+ and when i submit a ticket i just get that the issue is resolved but i may need to remove zblock because of "trouble".

Could zblock be the cause of this? Could the rates-forcing fuck it up?
It is interesting that that is going on. I couldn't see why zblock was causing problems. ( unless its way out of date )
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Yeah, they are now babbeling if they want to change me to another server or not.
Change to another server or another location. It's possible that you're just on a busy node.
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They say they aren't using node hosting, atleast that was what they told me.
Node, server, machine. Whatever they want to call them. zblock shouldn't cause problems.
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They've rebooted the server i was hosted on to "clear out a memory related issue". Seems like the lag is kind of gone. Took a long time tho.

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