SRCDS Steam group

The relevance of FPS for srcds
As this is being discussed heavily again at least in the German community, I have written a small "essay" on why high FPS are nonsense for srcds:,fps.html?language=en

Please feel free to comment here, and share this with your admin colleagues. Hopefully this helps spreading the "news". :-)

EDIT: And please join this steam group and invite as many people as possible: (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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I've been saying this for ages. Even for the old engine, but you flamed me for it.

“The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.”

(02-11-2011, 03:13 PM)Monk Wrote:  I've been saying this for ages. Even for the old engine, but you flamed me for it.

but it wasn't true for the old engine. and I am saying this since the existence of the OB update for CS:S. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Thanks for the useful post.
Good info! Thanks!
From: Alfred Reynolds <>
To: Gary Stanley <>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 18:43:19 +0000

No, we always do an immediate sendto() for any packets so the FPS of the server wouldn't effect the packet send latency. With the OB engine we added a queued receiver thread for incoming packets so that meant server FPS stopped limiting the resolution of incoming packet timestamps, older engines did a socket read at the start of each frame.

On Feb 11, 2011, at 2:30 AM, Gary Stanley wrote:

> In the old engine, did server FPS influence how often latency between each frame was generated? ie: a server with a FPS of 100 had 10 milliseconds of latency added to the network packets vs a server running at 1000fps (1ms between server frames?) (quake terms, a SNAP)? Is it any different now on orangebox than before?

“The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.”

his answer exactly confirms what I was saying:
Quote:older engines did a socket read at the start of each frame.
means, if there is a 10ms time between each frame (at 100fps), the packets have to wait some random time between 0ms and 10ms (5ms on average, not 10ms!) before they are read out by the engine.
I guess he answers "No" because he didn't understand your question. I don't understand it either (latency is not generated "between each frame", and it's not a question of "how often").

And why are you doing this? Are you really so offended because I contradicted you (you refer to this usually as "I flamed you") a few times? Well, stop being so personal. I like the truth, and I will always try to find out the truth and tell it others. Even if I basically make my fpsmeter useless with it... I'm fed up with being forced to defend myself all the time against you. This is ridiculous, and I will not do this any more. Find someone else to provoke. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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If I was not I mod I would say something like "trololololol Monk got shutdown" but because I am I am going to say everyone has a right to their opinion whether it be correct or not thats why it is an opinion not a fact.

Also I am agreeing with BehaartesEtwas here. On the old engine you could very easily notice the difference in the server quality in relation to the FPS. But their was a certain point where it didn't make a difference(Clients max FPS safe bet was just 512 ). On the new engine(OB) it does not matter what FPS as long as its above the ticketrate and I have noticed that it degrades performance if you try and get more out of it than you need to. Also just to safeguard myself and to not provoke any trolls this is MY opinion whether it is right or wrong is for you to decide.

PS. Nice write up Smile
~ trewq
What are you babbling about? I just posted what he said. That's it. I didn't say anything else?

Who's getting offended? I could care less about you, what you do, what you think FPS does, the list goes on.

“The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.”

This is turning into a flame war please keep it civilised. Monk please don't put more fuel on the fire, that goes for everyone. As I have stated many times before everyone has their own opinions lets just accept that and move on.

BehaartesEtwas is just giving facts that support his opinion in a civilized manor. I would definitely read a write up if you did one Monk. As always their is two sides to a story. The only way to settle this would be to get a Valve Employee here(Reading this thread as just asking a question can give you the answer you want if you ask it right).

Also I just realised how many cliché phrases and metaphors I just used Toungue
~ trewq
(02-13-2011, 07:19 AM)Monk Wrote:  I just posted what he said. That's it. I didn't say anything else?

ok, that apparently means you agree with me, that before the OB update fps were important. thanks! (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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BehaartesEtwas: Can I have a 1,000,000FPS server from you? I'll pay a billion dollars for every FPS.
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
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fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
for 10^15 dollars I would do a lot, but I don't think a 1,000,000 fps server would run stable Toungue (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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(02-14-2011, 07:30 AM)BehaartesEtwas Wrote:  for 10^15 dollars I would do a lot, but I don't think a 1,000,000 fps server would run stable Toungue

For that much you could probably hire valve to redo srcds for you Toungue
~ trewq
right. give me 10% in advance and I will do it for you. :-D (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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