SRCDS Steam group

Mustang's Fastdl Help.
Many of you guys getting couldent crc map?
Or missing map?

wen you are using an ftp server for ur files

The first error
1.If a map having a big letter on it on ur ftp server it dont work downloading it
for an exampel
change it till
whit small letters
2.Put this in ur server.cfg net_maxfilesize 64
3.Use bzip2 to make the maps to smaller fileformat and the server will not get confused wen u downloading a map,skin,sound use bzip2 to make them winrar and put them on ur ftp server.
bzip2 download link here:
How to install bzip2.
First of all change the name of the bzip2.exe file
the name will be somthing like bzip2_1501961.exe // somthing like that
change it till bzip2.exe
Put it in c:/
Make an new map call it bzip2
Place ur maps in the map you just made
Open start->cmd
Type this:
bzip2 bzip/*.*
and ur maps,skins,sounds will start to get ziped
and it wont bug
for exampel a server whitout bzip2 files
Downloading map hoejhus9.bsp.bzip2
after 1 sec it says downloading map hoejhus9.bsp
its changing from bzip2 to bsp
4.If you using a router the server will be confused i dont know why but if u use a router and have fastdl it dont work to good , if u have 100/100 internet whitout router the fastdl work fine.

Thx for me

Here is an site for free fastdl
Umm....Nice guide.

Could you fix the spelling/grammar and format?

Also 000webhost doesn't work for everyone downloading the files; I have extensively tested it.
[Image: wyn10.png]
wyn10 what internet connection are u using?
I will make a video tutorial on fastdl later and you will see Smile
I'm probably going to offer a free fast download service to other users besides our own customers soon.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!

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