SRCDS Steam group

Host Questions
Stock kernels have completely different timecode than 2.6.23+, plus other behavior. You may wish to try something else (another distro) that ships a newer kernel, perhaps even fedora or something.

“The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.”

there are cheaper SAS controllers, at least if you can do without a raid (or do it in software).

and btw: a gameserver accesses the HDD when changing map. if it does a real disk IO (i.e. not cached) during a running game, you have a lag, regardless of the speed (even head positioning takes longer than you have time...). so just decide if you want ultra-fast map changes or a stable game play Toungue (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
Do not ask technical questions via PM!
Im fine with my desktop HDD's... Never had any problems with it.
Slå den med jeres fiberforbindelser...

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