09-12-2010, 08:08 AM
In my server.cfg I have
// bots
bot_quota 4
bot_quota_mode normal
bot_difficulty 1
bot_chatter normal
bot_auto_follow 1
bot_auto_vacate 1
bot_join_after_player 1
bot_defer_to_human 0
bot_allow_rogues 0
bot_walk 0
bot_join_team any
But when people join the bots don't leave bot_quota is 4 when 4 people join they don't leave.
what's bot_quota_mode didnt understand it to much. I used the server.cfg tool.
In my server.cfg I have
// bots
bot_quota 4
bot_quota_mode normal
bot_difficulty 1
bot_chatter normal
bot_auto_follow 1
bot_auto_vacate 1
bot_join_after_player 1
bot_defer_to_human 0
bot_allow_rogues 0
bot_walk 0
bot_join_team any
But when people join the bots don't leave bot_quota is 4 when 4 people join they don't leave.
what's bot_quota_mode didnt understand it to much. I used the server.cfg tool.