Server OS: windows 7
Processor:core processor: intel® core 540 @ 3.07GHZ
Ram: 4.00GB
Game(s): team fortress 2
problem - i moved the server to my new computer so after i applied the scds update - i clicked the scrds exe shortcut and its appeared and started up then suddenly the progam closed down very fast without error so that's something that steam changed something - not sure?
normally after update its changes to show the console
above issue is solved - i had reinstall again and its works - only the problem below still annoys me
in separate issue - the connection to the server map was on showing on LAN so i was wondering what is problem cause i opened alot ports and my friend tried to help me but we gave up because the server still in LAN so ip address said its on Local normally its works fine when its connected to outside for example people want to play the maps via internet
{server} -> (main computer) -> router -> internet
on old computer which i set server before its was working
(main computer) -> router -> internet
so could you help me?
Server OS: windows 7
Processor:core processor: intel® core 540 @ 3.07GHZ
Ram: 4.00GB
Game(s): team fortress 2
problem - i moved the server to my new computer so after i applied the scds update - i clicked the scrds exe shortcut and its appeared and started up then suddenly the progam closed down very fast without error so that's something that steam changed something - not sure?
normally after update its changes to show the console
above issue is solved - i had reinstall again and its works - only the problem below still annoys me
in separate issue - the connection to the server map was on showing on LAN so i was wondering what is problem cause i opened alot ports and my friend tried to help me but we gave up because the server still in LAN so ip address said its on Local normally its works fine when its connected to outside for example people want to play the maps via internet
{server} -> (main computer) -> router -> internet
on old computer which i set server before its was working
(main computer) -> router -> internet
so could you help me?