SRCDS Steam group

Repeated Random Crashing Issue
been having a very annoying crash last few days, crashing at least once an hour (usually more), not always creating a crash dump, and when it does all are same size.

wouldnt let me attach but here is latest crash dump i have

i have disabled all but the bare minimum addons i need to be able to run my server as well, and crash still persists to annoy me.

i would appreciate it if someone with knowledge about the crash dumps would look at it for me and perhaps give me some insight into whatever the issue is so that i can continue to debug the problem. thanks

TF2 server
running the newest sourcemod, metamod

if anymore info is required to help, say so and ill will get it Smile
Can you try running it with absolutely NO mods?
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
well to be honest, i cant, reason being it is a rather popular achievement server, and without any plugins would be pointless to have server up. i only have the 3 must have plugins on server now.

Untill recently (about 2 weeks now) server never used to crash, (also if i remember right it was after updating server, and i know it could have caused a conflict with the update, but the mods currently running are very basic) before that used to run it for days at a time before id reset it to prevent lag.

just curious if anyone would think reinstalling server would help, if anything like this has happened to people in the past and it fixed it, just a thought

side note, crashing about every 2-3 hours (and i have seen on sourcemod forums recently of peoples server crashing at about the same time-frame) i did try posting there but didn't get any responses from anyone
Try reinstalling
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
well a reinstall did help alot, now only one small issue with my map that only crashes it with a full 32 man room Smile and if people know what to do Smile

thanks for trying to help anyway Smile

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