SRCDS Steam group

Minor issue, please help
My server is almost 100% on all garry's mod content, this is the only parts missing:


Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/vortigaunt/vort_vort_chant21.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/vortigaunt/vort_vort_chant05.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/vortigaunt/vort_vort_mant04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/vortigaunt/vort_vort_livetoserve.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/female01/gordead_ques03a.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/female01/gordead_ques03b.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/female01/nice.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/male01/nice01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/male01/nice02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/female01/oneforme.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/npc/female01/cit_kill19.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/npc/female01/cit_kill20.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/npc/male01/cit_buddykilled14.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/npc/male01/cit_buddykilled15.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/reb_lastwaveannounced11.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_02/griggs_thosevortswant.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_02/sheckley_gogriggs.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/cit_strider_kill_01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/cit_strider_kill_02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/cit_strider_kill_03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/cit_strider_kill_04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/cit_strider_kill_05.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_12/cit_strider_kill_06.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob05.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob06.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob07.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob08.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob09.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob10.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_combat_mob11.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_mobbed_thanks01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_mobbed_thanks02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_mobbed_thatwasclose01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_mobbed_thatwasclose02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_mobbed_thatwasclose03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_playerfallledge_03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_2/al_injured_toofar01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_2/al_injured_toofar02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_2/al_injured_toofar03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_2/al_injured_toofar04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_herewego.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_pb_herewego.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_thanksforhelp03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_player_goodshot01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_player_goodshot02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_player_goodshot03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_player_goodshot04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_behindyou02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_behindyou03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_monsterbehindplayer01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_monsterbehindplayer02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_05/al_hatethesethings.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_05/al_canyon_walkonmyown04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_05/al_junc_soweak03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/alyx/ep_01.al_startcombat03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/outland_08/al_chop_nag_lowhealth.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_2/al_vort_exchange_01.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_c17_01_roller_holdingoff.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/c17/al_evac_congrat02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/c17/al_evac_congrat03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/c17/al_evac_congrat04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/c17/al_evac_congrat05.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_c17 _00_dark_needlight_02.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_c17_03_GetInGarrison_nag_04.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/episode_1/al_c17_03_GetInGarrison_nag_05.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/alyx/al_car_beatsonfoot.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_combat_goodthinking03.vcd'
Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_combat_grim_04.vcd'

Couldn't find scene 'scenes/npc/Alyx/al_combat_grim_05.vcd'


Does anyone know where these last few files are?

The only error I get in console is "ERROR! Module 'zlib_b64' not found!"
I've over looked it as it seems to be a minor error, but does anyone know how to resolve it or what it means?

Your help will be appreciated greatly.
(first time here, thanks for all the info a usefull forums)

We need some more info, please read above to see how to make a proper thread.
Server OS: Windows 7 64bit
Processor: AMD athlon 64 x2 Dual Core Processor 6400+ 3.20ghz
Ram: 4(GB)
Game(s): GARRY'S MOD
Start Up Command: "C:\srcds\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +map gm_flatgrass +hostport 27016 +tv_port 27012 -maxplayers 8 -autoupdate"
sv_lan 0
sv_region 3
hostname "Build Advance [WIREsvn/PHXsvn/Stools]"
Admin Mods: None (Using console commands).

[Image: console.gif]
You should be able to ignore the errors, else remove the ep2 addon.
OK, now there's the issue of people not being able to connect to it...


Bandwidth: [Image: 871914574.png]

Router: BTHomeHub2/Not connect via wireless.
Local IP of Server:
External IP:
Port Forwarding Screen Shot: LOOK AT THIS LINK---->
If you are hosting and playing on the same computer please read: I am... ["Instead, run a listen server. You can do this in game by clicking the little "Create Server" button.Instead, run a listen server. You can do this in game by clicking the little "Create Server" button." What? :/ Want to use srcds.]
If you have a non-typical home network, please put a small diagram.
Typical Home Network: [Server(my PC)] --> [Router(BTHomeHub2?)] --> [Modem(BTHomeHub2?)] --> [Internet]

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