SRCDS Steam group

New CS:S server configs issue
After update to v40 server didn't parse utf8-configs properly. Tried with and w/o BOM, KOI8-R, CP1251, even UTF-16LE - same result. Is there no way now to set non-english strings?
I don't understand your problem?
IS your config named server.cfg.txt ?
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No. It's not a server.cfg - it's some sourcemod configs. Some string cvar's are being set there, but strings aren't in English. Before update it pretty works, when this configs was saved in UTF-8 without BOM. Now, all non-ANSI symbols truncated, so internationalized string like "[LTS] Смотри за бомбой, дурак!!!" truncates to "[LTS]" and an error "Unknown command !!!" appears in console, when config executed (same error as saving in non-utf8, before server update).
Sourcemod may not let you have those special characters, but I am not sure.
Ah I understand. I assume this is for your admin list?
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NOOOO. It's SM plugin's configs. It perfectly works before update, now it's not.
I have this problem too and don't know how to fix it yet. Even if using //, for example when parsing cfg with

Quote://Максимальное количество символов, помещенное на панель статистики повреждений - от 30 до 128 (128 по-умолчанию)
sm_killstats_max_panel_width 100

in server console prints:

Quote:Unknown command "-"
Unknown command "30"
Unknown command "128"

But before update all worked fine.
Looks like you're going to have to use English in your configs.
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Yes, but it is't always possible.
(07-03-2010, 02:52 AM)loopyman Wrote:  Looks like you're going to have to use English in your configs.
C.O., please relogin.

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