SRCDS Steam group

[Resolved] New Server, no one can connect
i have been running a SRCDS CSS server on my PC for a while, people could connect fine and so on, was running well.
the other day i purchased a second hand dell Power Edge 2650.
i have set that up on the network, is running my DHCP and a local website, and i then copied over my SRCDS folder to run it from there. i then set the Ports to forward to the server instead of my PC, used PFchecker and confirmed the ports where correctly forwarded. i then gave a friend my External IP, and he could not connect, i double checked everything, and it all seems to be correct, even disabled windows firewall to make sure, (currently has no antivirus) still he could not connect, i then redownloaded HLDSupdatetool, and re-downloaded CSS SRCDS, still he could not connect. any ideas would be appreciated!
Server is running a fresh install of Server 2008 Enterprise.
[Image: server.PNG]
[Image: css%20srecds.PNG]
[Image: router1.PNG]
[Image: router2.PNG]
Please post your startup line for the server. Check to make sure you don't have an -ip argument.
Hmm ok i thought you where ment have that, it still doesnt work even with that removed though...
thanks for the reply though.
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait F:\server\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +ip +port 27015 +map de_dust -maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
Disable rule 2 and 3.

Create rule:
SRCDS 27015 UDP 27015

You don't need to open those other ports in this scenario.

Also, Possibly stupid question... But have you tried to join the server via LAN?
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(06-07-2010, 11:53 AM)loopyman Wrote:  Disable rule 2 and 3.

Create rule:
SRCDS 27015 UDP 27015

You don't need to open those other ports in this scenario.

Also, Possibly stupid question... But have you tried to join the server via LAN?

have just done that, will get a friend to see if they can connect, and yea i can connect VIA lan, have always been able to, just not over the net on the server, except when i ran it on my gaming PC, people could connect.
YAY it works haha, not sure which thing resolved it, but it did what was posted here and it works,
thank you!!
Do you have sv_lan 0 in your server.cfg? Also, just create one rule (27000-27040 UDP/TCP)
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
SV_lan 0 is there, but it seems to be working fine now thanks.

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