SRCDS Steam group

core.12002 sagment fault
Could someone tell me why my server crashing?? i dont know how to use gdb and look to this file, so someone tell me where is problem?? ;]

nobody can with that little information...

also I wouldn't really like to load some core file from someone I don't know... could easily be a virus or so Toungue
if you want to learn how to use gdb, type "man gdb" in the console... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Server OS: CentOS Linux 5.3
Processor: Xeon 2.33 Ghz
Ram: 2Gb
Game(s): Counter-Strike: Source
Start Up Command: screen -A -m -d -S css-server ./srcds_run -console -game cstrike -maxplayers 44 +map mymap -tickrate 66 +sv_lan 0 -debug -heapsize 1048576
Admin Mods: Mani Admin, Sourcemod, MetaMod, Dosprotect
first, remove the heapsize option. probably that doesn't help, but that option shouldn't be used in general.

then you can try removing any installed mods and reinstall them one by one. after each reinstallation keep the server running long enough untouched until you can be sure whether the server is thill crashing or not.

btw: how often does it crash and with what error message? you can also load your core file with gdb (try "gdb srcds_i686 core.12002") and run the command "bt" and post the output here (use some pastbin). (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Server crash 1-3 times in day

With gdb i geting:
Cannot access memory at address 0xbff1fef0
give the full output of the bt command of gdb, not a single line only, that doesn't help.

btw: my servers crash 0-3 times per day as well. I think that is pretty normal for a frequented public server.

Some time ago I made some "synthetic" tests on a completely different system. even an empty server without any plugins or changed config crashes occasionally on mapchange... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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