SRCDS Steam group

Frames vs. frames vs. Valve frames?
I believe I have a fairly good knowledge of how FPS and FPS boosting effect performance on SRCDS. But while brainstorming about SRCDS FPS I thought of a question which i cannot seem to find the answer to.

The Question is; What type of Frames are we talking about with SRCDS?

Through my research I have found two definition for a frame that are relevant to gaming. Here is a brief description of these frames.

Client Frames (AKA Video Card FPS )
Quote:Frame rates in video games refer to the speed at which the image is refreshed on the screen.

Network Frames (As defined by CISCO)
Quote:In computer networking, a frame is a data packet on the Layer 2 of the OSI model. A frame is "the unit of transmission in a link layer protocol, and consists of a link-layer header followed by a packet.

The Data Link layer frame includes:
Data - The packet from the Network layer
Header - Contains control information, such as addressing, and is located at the beginning of the PDU
Trailer - Contains control information added to the end of the PDU

A basic summary of a network frame being, what we call a packet. But the truth being that the packet is actually inside the frame.
Network Frames are setup in this order:
1. Header ( Contains Address details/Type of PDU/Flow Control )
2. Packet (Data)
3. Trailer (Contains Error detection)

Now that I have summarized the Types of Frames I know of that are relevant to SRCDS, I want to look at what I found SRCDS frames described as.

Description of FPS on SRCDS
Quote:The server FPS ("frames per second") represent the rate at wich the server looks for incoming network packets and answers to them.

We know that SRCDS Does not use the Client Video Frames like I defined earlier, or if you don't you might want to search around the forums a little and learn about SRCDS FPS.

The Overall Question!

Did Valve make up a new Type of frame to use for SRCDS, or does the frames we talk about somehow fit into network frames?
[Image: 728x90.png]
The last two definitions are both correct, the latter is just a gross oversimplification of the concept described by CISCO.
(04-23-2010, 08:05 AM)CannonessHannah Wrote:  the latter is just a gross oversimplification of the concept described by CISCO.
What do you mean by that?

And does it actually answer the question. What type of frames are we really talking about here with SRCDS FPS.
[Image: 728x90.png]
When you talk about FPS on SRCDS you aren't actually talking about Frames. It's simply how often the server checks for changes within a second. So 30FPS doesn't mean it's only checking for 30 TCP/IP Frames, but rather that it updates things 30 times in a single second.

At least that's how I've always understood FPS on SRCDS.
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
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fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Mooga is right. A dedicated server is not that differently constructed from the game client. "Only" all graphics stuff is left out. The engine still does everything (calculations, receiving and sending network packages if necessary, ...) during a "frame". The name is simply wrong in this case, it's only kept for historical reasons. It has really nothing to do with network frames... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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OK, that is what i thought, I just wanted to make sure i was right, and I couldn't seem to find an answer anywhere.
I'm no expert on how the Internet operates, but I do have a good knowledge of small to medium sized networks. Why is it that no one ever talks about the higher server FPS's network impact. As we know the internet now days is quite fast so its something we usually ignore, but by having say 1000fps client and server are sending more packets, isn't that steady fast flow of packets keeping the routing information inside routing tables allowing packets to be transferred faster? Or do the Internets routers routing tables last long enough even for 100fps?
[Image: 728x90.png]

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