Hi, Im Dj
Im ruining a home server and i was wondering a few things
How much bandwidth am i using and how to i make it so i use very little as i can on my server?
My isp is comcast, My mother works for them so we get a discount, Not my point however...
They have a 250 GB per month cap or $15 charge for each 10 GB over the cap.
Now me and my bother game almost everyday for about 6 hours a day
He only plays source games really and bfho ( I don't know if this s useful )
How do i find out how much bandwidth we are using on the whole network without having to install some tool to every PC ?
And as for as my server how much bandwidth does 9 slots take up?
I have
![[Image: 755543175.png]](http://www.speedtest.net/result/755543175.png)
What can i do for server rates to Lower how much traffic it use's per moth
The game i am running on the server is Garrysmod,Gamemode is Hoverskate V2
Also does anyone know of a free fast dl?
users cant seem to Dl content - its also dl 4 maps at once...
and it wont work it will stop after dl 1st map
Sorry for spelling im deaf
Im ruining a home server and i was wondering a few things
How much bandwidth am i using and how to i make it so i use very little as i can on my server?
My isp is comcast, My mother works for them so we get a discount, Not my point however...
They have a 250 GB per month cap or $15 charge for each 10 GB over the cap.
Now me and my bother game almost everyday for about 6 hours a day
He only plays source games really and bfho ( I don't know if this s useful )
How do i find out how much bandwidth we are using on the whole network without having to install some tool to every PC ?
And as for as my server how much bandwidth does 9 slots take up?
I have
![[Image: 755543175.png]](http://www.speedtest.net/result/755543175.png)
What can i do for server rates to Lower how much traffic it use's per moth
The game i am running on the server is Garrysmod,Gamemode is Hoverskate V2
Also does anyone know of a free fast dl?
users cant seem to Dl content - its also dl 4 maps at once...
and it wont work it will stop after dl 1st map
Sorry for spelling im deaf