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sv_downloadurl tutorial questions and suggestions
Can I use 7zip instead of bzip2? does it rly matter?
7zip is a bit quicker, is multithreaded and supports long file names. In my tests the bz2 created by 7-zip weren't as compressed as bzip2, but it was a trivial amount. It doesn't really matter though.
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Hi guyz, i need your help. So few weeks back i found a post in wich it was explained how to set up two hostings (two links), for one sv_downloadurl, don't ask me why i need it. I just can't seem to find it :/. If you could give me link i would really appreciate it Smile.
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Just wanted to help people out who have problems with their redirect, because i finally solved it after 2 hours of testing...

my problem:
every custommap returned a "map ... not found. disconnecting" error.

my config:

sv_download 1
sv_upload 1
sv_downloadurl "http://someurl/tf2"

running on a linux debian server btw

what i did wrong and how to solve it:

- i used the tar command (tar cfvj ...) to create .tar.bz2 files. i didn't see that the files had to be "file.bsp.bz2" at first. Renaming doesn't help out, the tar command and the bzip2 have different compressions!
-> if you haven't installed, install with "apt-get install bzip2" or similar commands. usage: "bzip2 filename.bsp" creates: filename.bsp.bz2 <-- this is the correct redirect file!

- i uploaded all the maps into the "http://someurl/tf2" directory.
-> in the serverlogs i discovered, that the game was looking in the maps/ subdirectory which didn't exist. So if your DL url looks like this: "http://someurl/tf2" create a folder and store your maps here: "http://someurl/tf2/maps"

Also, as mentioned in the thread somewhere:
- Check file permissions! if you create the bz2 files as root, your webuser probably can't read them. test it in your browser!
- Check if the sv_maxfilesize is large enough. insert a value which represents the biggest file in your directory!
Drocona wrote
Quote:As you can see I have both the normal file and the bz2.
The server needs them both!

This is not correct, the game server only has to have the bsp and nav files not the bz2 compressed files.

See my tut for the correct procedure
Setup DownloadURL

Admin - CoveringFire's Counter-Strike Source Server
Hi, I've edited that particular part in the turorial.

Back when I wrte this, the server didn't download the bz2 from the webserver if you didn't have the bz2 on the gameserver. Maybe it changed?
CoveringFire is correct; the compressed .bz2 files need to only be on the web server.
Manage your redirects/fast downloads with one click! SourceRSC and HL1RSC
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(11-07-2007, 12:36 AM)Ice Nine Wrote:  I'm still having problems with sv_downloadurl.

I've even gone as far as to make sure all the files are accessible and being hit properly in the logs. But even then, when I connect I get the "Missing map" error and get tossed off the server.

Location: (all the files are there!)

server cfg entries:
net_maxfilesize 99
sv_downloadurl ""

I see the file being hit both in the logs and with ntfilemon. I'm at a loss for why this isn't working.
what I did was change my sv_pure 0 to sv_pure 1 that mean's on the next map change, the server will ensure that the content (materials, models, and sounds) on client machines matches what is specified


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