01-04-2010, 10:12 AM
Server OS: Windows Vista 32bit
Processor: Core2Duo 1.86 GHz
Game(s): Left 4 Dead 2
Admin Mods: MetaMod 1.8.0 and the latest snapshot of SourceMod (1.3.0-hg2881)
Start Up Command:
My server crashes seemingly at random, yet every time it does crash, I notice a new client has connected (the crash eventually takes us all back to a lobby where I see new people have joined). It does not, however, crash every time someone connects.
It also does not crash - apparently ever - when I run the game with it's normal settings. I only get the random crashes when I use the following server.cfg:
Any help is appreciated!
Processor: Core2Duo 1.86 GHz
Game(s): Left 4 Dead 2
Admin Mods: MetaMod 1.8.0 and the latest snapshot of SourceMod (1.3.0-hg2881)
Start Up Command:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title srcds.com Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait "" "srcds.exe" -console -game left4dead2 +ip -port 27016 -clientport 27006 +map c1m1_hotel
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
My server crashes seemingly at random, yet every time it does crash, I notice a new client has connected (the crash eventually takes us all back to a lobby where I see new people have joined). It does not, however, crash every time someone connects.
It also does not crash - apparently ever - when I run the game with it's normal settings. I only get the random crashes when I use the following server.cfg:
hostname chinagreenelvis.com
rcon_password "****"
sv_lan 0
sv_region 0
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0
sv_downloadurl ""
sm_cvar intensity_lock 0 //default -1
sm_cvar director_must_create_all_scavenge_items 1 //default 0
sm_cvar director_no_survivor_bots 1 //default 0
sm_cvar director_no_mobs 0 //default 0
sm_cvar director_no_specials 0 //default 0
sm_cvar director_no_bosses 0 //default 0
sm_cvar z_allow_ai_to_use_abilities 0 //default 1
sm_cvar z_gun_survivor_friend_push 1
sm_cvar z_gun_range 50
sm_cvar z_gun_kick .3
sm_cvar z_shotgun_bonus_damage_multiplier 30 //default 5
sm_cvar z_shotgun_bonus_damage_range 200 //default 100
sm_cvar survivor_it_duration 10 //default 20
sm_cvar survivor_max_incapacitated_count 10 //default 2
sm_cvar survivor_revive_health 100 //default 30
sm_cvar survivor_revive_duration 1 //default 5
sm_cvar z_survivor_respawn_health 100 //default 50
sm_cvar survivor_incap_max_fall_damage 1000 //default 200
sm_cvar survivor_damage_speed_factor .50 //default .25
sm_cvar survivor_allow_crawling 1 //default 0
sm_cvar survivor_crawl_speed 50 //default 20
sm_cvar rescue_min_dead_time 5
sm_cvar rescue_distance 100
sm_cvar z_speed 200
sm_cvar z_wandering_density .03 //default 0.03
sm_cvar z_common_limit 50 //default 30
sm_cvar z_background_limit 35 //default 20
sm_cvar z_burning_lifetime 10 //default 30
sm_cvar z_tank_speed 100 //default 210
sm_cvar z_tank_health 2000 //default 4000
sm_cvar z_jockey_limit 0
sm_cvar z_spit_range 0
sm_cvar z_spit_range 0
sm_cvar z_spitter_range 0
sm_cvar z_exploding_speed 75 //default 175
sm_cvar z_charger_limit 0
sm_cvar z_notice_it_range 300 //default 1500
sm_cvar z_vision_range_daylight 750 //default 2500
sm_cvar z_health 250 //default 50
//sm_cvar z_non_head_damage_factor_easy 0.1 //default 0
//sm_cvar z_non_head_damage_factor_medium 0.1 //default 0
//sm_cvar z_non_head_damage_factor_hard 0.1 //default 0
//sm_cvar z_non_head_damage_factor_expert 0.1 //default 0
sm_cvar z_mob_spawn_min_size 4 //default 10
sm_cvar z_mob_spawn_max_size 12 //default 30
sm_cvar ammo_assaultrifle_max 1000
sm_cvar ammo_autoshotgun_max 500
sm_cvar ammo_huntingrifle_max 500
sm_cvar ammo_shotgun_max 500
sm_cvar ammo_smg_max 1000
Any help is appreciated!