SRCDS Steam group

Adding a webserver to your dedi?
Well, I am interested in adding a Linux control panel to my box. And to do this, at least for the free solutions, I am forced to add apache+php. Anyone recommends any bundled solution or just go with a manual apache/php install? Does anyone have any experience with this? Too much stress on the server and what not?
search for XAMP its an install with apache mysql php and so on. pretty much everything you need and everything is free Big Grin I think it was just install and then add your website to htdocs, it was awhile ago i had to install it but i remember it was really simple Toungue

otherwise the documents are on apachefriends and dont think its that much to configure to get it to work Wink
Well... XAMPP for Linux looks quiet simple. I'll disable MySQL thought. Seems like it doesn't install anything else more than what you uncompress in the XAMPP folder. So that's a good thing, means I can easily delete it if I need to. I might try that.
installing apache+php (+mysql even) is quite simple without any "bundles", all distributions have appropriate packages that can be installed using their packet manager. using that will have the advantage of getting security updates etc. more easily. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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This is a howto for HlstatsX CE. I think it's helpful for the installation of apache, php, phpmyadmin and mysql:
yum install httpd? ( redhat distros )
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
apt-get install apache2
apt-get install php5

ISPconfig is easy to install and there's great support on the forums from users and the 2 programmers:

I still use ISPconfig 2 because you can't upgrade from 2 to 3 and it's still being updated, but starting new, you'd probably want to go with 3.

ISPconfig is solid, but it's not a game server control panel, it's for web hosting if that's what you're looking for.

I can setup a client site in less than 60 seconds including e-mail and everything.
EHCP is a very easy and good webhosting panel - and its free (open source)! Simply do these commands

# sudo wget
# sudo tar -zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz
# cd ehcp
# ./ (you might have to do sudo chmod +x before you can run it)

Simply follow the instructions for the installation - piece of cake! Smile
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