SRCDS Steam group

bots, navs, surf maps....
but if a .nav file doesn't exist, the server will still create the .nav file. i am looking for a way to completely disable the auto .nav creation because it's just too laggy for the other servers.
no it won't, cuz since at every map change.. it kicks all the bots, and only adds them with the maps that have the cfg file that says to add them.. so just delete the cfg files for the maps that don't have nav files.. so it won't try and add bots. so it won't make the nav file.. i use it for all my surf maps, and it works just fine. and i don't have nav files for most of them.
correct me if i'm wrong, but couldn't you just place your bot settings (bot_quota, bot_quota_mode, etc.) in server.cfg, and then put bot_quota 0 in the map_name.cfg files for the maps that don't have .nav files?

either way, it's still a hassle. it would be so much better if there was a way to disable auto .nav creation. there's got to be a way. anyone?
that wouldn't work.. cuz it doesn't exec the map_name.cfg file soon enough.. it will still add the bots, and then create the nav file.. thats why i just set map_name.cfg to exec a bot.cfg file, and in the server.cfg i put bot_kick so it won't add the bots until the map is loaded. and its really not that hard with the script
@echo off
FOR %%f in (*.nav) DO echo exec bot.cfg > cfg/%%f
cd cfg && rename *.nav *.cfg
that should take every nav file you have, copy it to a cfg folder in the map folder, and put on the file "exec bot.cfg" which will load up the bots.. or whatever you have put in the bot.cfg file.. that would have to be in the same folder as the server.cfg file.

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