I have a question about team fortress 2 hlds , I kow how to detect the speed hacks and aimbots, jittery player and snap aiming. but I'm seeing some stuff that is highly questionable play from various players. there is the spy hack where the suspected player knows where cloaked spy,s are on the map. as I understand it the cloaked spy does not exist graphically unless their hit box is encountered. but yet the suspected hacker runs directly to the spy, despite the best evasion attempts which are clearly outside of the hit box they inevitably get the kill. this repeats numerous times until the spy rages, changes class or leaves the server.
The second is the Crit hack, in this situation the suspected player is firing about upwards of 50% of the shots as crits. typically a heavy is used with or without an accompanying medic. but in most cases he uses a medic to justify the kills, claiming the uber. but when the medic does go uber it is an invulin uber not the crit uber. I have seen this with at least four different players. I have an included demo zip file for review, this is of a suspected hacker as the heavy. the guy drops players like they werent even at 100% health. at one point he sees a spy at 100% cloak behind a wall and caps him. note that this player was aware that someone was spec'ing him. in the latter part of the demo he seems to loose the crit advantage.by this point most of the opposing players had rage quit.
Thanks for the review and please leave comments.
The second is the Crit hack, in this situation the suspected player is firing about upwards of 50% of the shots as crits. typically a heavy is used with or without an accompanying medic. but in most cases he uses a medic to justify the kills, claiming the uber. but when the medic does go uber it is an invulin uber not the crit uber. I have seen this with at least four different players. I have an included demo zip file for review, this is of a suspected hacker as the heavy. the guy drops players like they werent even at 100% health. at one point he sees a spy at 100% cloak behind a wall and caps him. note that this player was aware that someone was spec'ing him. in the latter part of the demo he seems to loose the crit advantage.by this point most of the opposing players had rage quit.
Thanks for the review and please leave comments.