Server OS: Windows XP 32-bit
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.66GHz
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command:
Admin Mods: None
How would I get The IP Adress to change to my internet one?
Yes my ports are forwarded.
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.66GHz
Game(s): Garry's Mod
Start Up Command:
@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +map gms_venom-survival_2009 +maxplayers 16 +sv_defaultgamemode "GMStranded"
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds
How would I get The IP Adress to change to my internet one?
Yes my ports are forwarded.