Hello. Since i didnt continue my old post a while ago ill start a new one with updated data.
Ive recently upgraded the kernel on the specified server, hoping that it would solve my trouble, but wrong again.
Intel Dualcore 3Ghz
2 GB Ram
Ubuntu 8.01 /
sys_ticrate 2500 / Pingboost 3 / 25 slot
Iam running the server with the realtime scheduler as suggested in an an other thread in here, and iam also using the idler.
Server is running smooth and stable at 1000fps, not terrible load on the cpu. Pings are looking fine.
To the trouble again. Iam using a fibre connection provider and i have a steady connection at 90Mbit up and down. On this connection i have 2 100tic css servers running without any trouble. Each server has its own connection, no router, only a switch.
The hlds server runs smooth with an updaterate of 30. Everything above this creates chokes around 100 for the clients.
When i try to use what i think its the optimal value (101,101,25000) chokes are unbareble. No loss, no ping raising. Just choke.
Ive tried increasing sys_ticrate up to 10000, 8000, 4000 and still no change. Ive tried both pingboost 2 and 3 and no change. Since my 2 srcds servers works all fine, this feels really strange. Same hardware in all 3 servers. Same connection.
I could really use some good advice here. I must have missed something, or something in my config is terrible wrong. Or else, my servers arent compatible with hlds.
sv_voicequality "5"
sv_alltalk "0"
sv_enableoldqueries 1
sys_ticrate 2500
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_mincmdrate 50
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 10000 //want 25000
sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_maxupdaterate 30 //want 101
fps_max 0
sv_unlag 1
This is all my net settings in the config. Is something missing?
Ive recently upgraded the kernel on the specified server, hoping that it would solve my trouble, but wrong again.
Intel Dualcore 3Ghz
2 GB Ram
Ubuntu 8.01 /
sys_ticrate 2500 / Pingboost 3 / 25 slot
Iam running the server with the realtime scheduler as suggested in an an other thread in here, and iam also using the idler.
Server is running smooth and stable at 1000fps, not terrible load on the cpu. Pings are looking fine.
To the trouble again. Iam using a fibre connection provider and i have a steady connection at 90Mbit up and down. On this connection i have 2 100tic css servers running without any trouble. Each server has its own connection, no router, only a switch.
The hlds server runs smooth with an updaterate of 30. Everything above this creates chokes around 100 for the clients.
When i try to use what i think its the optimal value (101,101,25000) chokes are unbareble. No loss, no ping raising. Just choke.
Ive tried increasing sys_ticrate up to 10000, 8000, 4000 and still no change. Ive tried both pingboost 2 and 3 and no change. Since my 2 srcds servers works all fine, this feels really strange. Same hardware in all 3 servers. Same connection.
I could really use some good advice here. I must have missed something, or something in my config is terrible wrong. Or else, my servers arent compatible with hlds.
sv_voicequality "5"
sv_alltalk "0"
sv_enableoldqueries 1
sys_ticrate 2500
sv_maxcmdrate 101
sv_mincmdrate 50
sv_minrate 0
sv_maxrate 10000 //want 25000
sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_maxupdaterate 30 //want 101
fps_max 0
sv_unlag 1
This is all my net settings in the config. Is something missing?