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Zm Vote Configs
Er Der Nogen Der Kan Lave En Mani_Server.cfg Til Min Zm Server. Sådan At Når Der Er Gået 7 Min, Voter Man Om En Ny Map!
Den Skulle Gerne Tage Mapsne For MapCycle Og Man Skal Også Kunne Extende Mappen En Gang Kun En Gang
Post vote afsnittet fra din mani_server.cfg. Så laver det jeg det for dig.
// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
mani_voting 1

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 1

// Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
mani_vote_extend_time 15

// Defines the whether the a map can be extended
mani_vote_allow_extend 1

// Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 60

// Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of
// the map
mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

// Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote,
// 0 = infinite
mani_vote_max_extends 2

// Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
mani_vote_extend_rounds 5

// Define the file to use for random map vote
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 0

// Define the file that admin can select from for admin
// started vote.
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 2

// Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote
// is started
mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 4

// Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 10

// Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
// of map vote (CSS Only)
mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set rcon vote
mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set question vote
mani_vote_question_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map vote
mani_vote_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set random map vote
mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 10

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting
// 0 = quiet mode,
// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice,
// 2 = Show voted choice but not player,
// 3 = show player name and their choice
mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

// Following cvar now has 2 modes of operation
// 0 = alive players will see vote menu,
// 1 = alive players will need to type vote to access the menu,
mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 0

// Allow user started votemaps
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 1

// Allow the users to extend maps if time based
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

// Allow the users to kick players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 1

// Allow the users to ban players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set an extend map vote
mani_vote_extend_percent_required 10

// Percentage of votes required from players before map change
mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 1

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 3

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 1

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 60

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 3

// Time in minutes for the ban, 0 = permanent ban
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 10

// 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 2

// Allow rock the vote
mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

// Time before rockthevote can be started after a new map starts
mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 60

// Number of nominations included in the vote
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 9

// Number of random maps chosen from votemaplist.txt
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 9

// Percentage of players on server required to type rockthevote before
// it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

// Minimum number of players required to type rockthevote before it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 3

// This controls the default mode a player will have their 'show vote progress'
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the vote progress functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1

Brug venligst [code] brackets!
// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
mani_voting 1

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 1

// Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
mani_vote_extend_time 15

// Defines the whether the a map can be extended
mani_vote_allow_extend 1

// Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 60

// Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of
// the map
mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

// Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote,
// 0 = infinite
mani_vote_max_extends 1

// Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
mani_vote_extend_rounds 5

// Define the file to use for random map vote
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 0

// Define the file that admin can select from for admin
// started vote.
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 0

// Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote
// is started
mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 7

// Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 10

// Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
// of map vote (CSS Only)
mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set rcon vote
mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set question vote
mani_vote_question_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map vote
mani_vote_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set random map vote
mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 10

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting
// 0 = quiet mode,
// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice,
// 2 = Show voted choice but not player,
// 3 = show player name and their choice
mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

// Following cvar now has 2 modes of operation
// 0 = alive players will see vote menu,
// 1 = alive players will need to type vote to access the menu,
mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 0

// Allow user started votemaps
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 1

// Allow the users to extend maps if time based
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

// Allow the users to kick players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 1

// Allow the users to ban players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set an extend map vote
mani_vote_extend_percent_required 10

// Percentage of votes required from players before map change
mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 1

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 3

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 1

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 60

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 3

// Time in minutes for the ban, 0 = permanent ban
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 10

// 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 2

// Allow rock the vote
mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

// Time before rockthevote can be started after a new map starts
mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 60

// Number of nominations included in the vote
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 9

// Number of random maps chosen from votemaplist.txt
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 9

// Percentage of players on server required to type rockthevote before
// it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

// Minimum number of players required to type rockthevote before it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 3

// This controls the default mode a player will have their 'show vote progress'
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the vote progress functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1

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