SRCDS Steam group

Server Problem (i know... -_-)
Hey guys, im going to try to make this as fully as possible.

I want to start a Dedicated server... The normal dedicated server doesnt work, so i make a folder c:\srcds and then i install srcds there and add all files possible.


Then i add in cstrike\cfg the file server.cfg with these contents:

Quote:hostname "TheRedBarn"
rcon_password ";;;;;;;;;;;"
//sv_password //password to join server
//exec autoexec.cfg
exec mani_server.cfg //loads admin mod
exec bot.cfg
decalfrequency 10 //amount of decal/sprays visible

//mp_fraglimit 100 //frags to map change
mp_timelimit 30 //minutes to mapchange
mp_weaponstay 0 //weapons stay after being picked up
mp_forcerespawn 0 //force player to respoawn after 4 secs
mp_falldamage 0 //extra dmg for falling
mp_teamplay 1 //1 enables
mp_footsteps 1 //1 enables
mp_flashlight 1 //1 enables
mp_friendlyfire 0 //1 enables
mp_tkpunish 1 //dmg to give
mp_autokick 1 //1 enables idle kicks / team-kill banning
mp_autoteambalance 1 //1 enables
mp_spawnprotectiontime 10 //seconds of protection
mp_forcecamera 0 //1 enables

mp_allowspectators 1 //1 enables
//mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_startmoney 3500
mp_chattime 15 //seconds to talk smack at round end
mp_autocrosshair 1 //1 enables shows
mp_roundtime 5 //in minutes
mp_limitteams 2 //number a team can have more of than other
mp_freezetime 0 //seconds to buy crap
mp_c4timer 35 //in seconds

//sv_contact email
sv_region 0 //0 - US EastCoast
sv_stats 1
sv_lan 0 //1 enables lan only
//sv_instancebaselines 1
//sv_unlag 1
sv_maxrate 8192 //data sent to clients
sv_minrate 4000 //data sent to clients
sv_maxspeed 360 //client speed
sv_cheats 0 //1 enables
sv_voiceenable 1 //1 enables
sv_alltalk 0 //1 enables talk to everyone
sv_allowupload 0 //1 enables clients cannot upload

Then i add a shortcut to srcds.exe like this:

Quote:C:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 16 +map de_dust -tickrate 100

When i open it, this window shows:


I made shure the ports on my router (D-Link DI-701 Residential Gateway) are open.


I also turned DHCP off and did this in my network configuration:


The problem now is:

I myself can add it to My Favourites in Steam Server list... I can view it in HLSW. etc etc But... Other people cant add it in favourites (not responding), they cant connect andddd cant find the server.

How can i make shure other people can join too..?




Windows XP SP1
Athlon64 3500+
1 gb ram
GeForce 6800 Ultra
#2 ... make sure ur giving out the right ip. use the one that says.. you connect to the internal ip.. everyone else has to connect to that.

adding the port after the ip of course.
Also try making your computer a DMZ. If you DMZ your computer and everything works, then we are missing a port we need to open.

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