SRCDS Steam group

Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket
error 31 is this by the way:

Reason: Error verifying STEAM UserID ticket(server was unable to contact the authenticaiton server, 31)

i just call it error 31. it could well be that 31 is the number of the server, i dunno...
Thank you very much. It seems that the player might be having this issue. Did you post your ip of the server? I might try to connect to it in the morning.
This how I set everything up when i came across your exact problem...

1) Change your lan IP addresses from 192.168.X.X to any other "Public" Addressing Scheme (Mine is 65.32.31.X) And Make Sure The Subnet Mask Is (so you dont prevent thousands of IPs from playing)

2)Forward all the port nessisary to be able to access from the outside world

3)Run server as normal

4)Connect to the server using its LAN IP, If connecting threw your WAN IP you will receive "Invalid Ticket"

The reason for the lan IP change is due to Valve not validating connections comming into the server from "Private IPs"(192.168.X.X, 10.X.X.X, 172.16.X.X - 172.31.X.X), Secondly trying to access with your external IP it will fail... Im not sure why... lol

Please try this, it worked for me without a hitch, just make sure your able to reverse what youve done to it so far and make sure it can load normally.
DJFire I run my server in my lan and I can connect to it with the outside IP, infact I dont even think I can connect to it with its regular lan ip. This is a tricky one...
Change all the inside IP adresses of the computers, like I said, steam blocks ALL lan IP Addesses
ok thank you both for that Smile

djfire, are you talking about me connecting to my own server? or someone else connecting to it through the internet?

i can connect to my own server fine by typing connect in console, just no one else outside my lan can...

ill try that tonight though, and post my IP here when i do...
Just to make sure we didnt miss the obvious...

you do have sv_lan 0 in your start up or autoexec right?
no i dont actually but im pretty sure ive tried that before...

ill try again though..
Yes please do try sv_lan 0.

If you have sv_lan 1 that would mean you wouldnt be able to connect from the internet. But then again it seems that you do have sv_lan 0. I dont know just check for me.
well default value for sv_lan on a srcds is 0.
United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
hey guys sorry i havent replied in a while but I haven't really had the chance to test it out yet..

i tried sv_lan 0 but it didnt work..

an interesting thing though is once i ran a dedicated LAN server with sv_lan 1 and some people from the internet I didn't know tried to connect and failed...

which meant they must have been able to see my server on the internet

anyway, DJfire still hasn't answered my question if whether he was talking about connecting to my own server or not

what i want is an internet server, not a private one

I don't care if steam blocks 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x because no one on the internet has those IPs.

i think what you are referring to is the incoming connection from being displayed in console view, which is NOT a lan computer, but, as I have stated many times, is a connection from an external (public) computer that has been forwarded through my router.

I don't need to know how to connect to my server because most of the time i can just "connect" and it works fine.

anyway, I am thinking more and more that this is a port mapping problem or perhaps a connection problem, even though it still didn't work on my 1mbit connection....
alright.. well first off.. steam doesn't block internal ips... my internet servers lan ip is and i connect to it using that ip.. thats the ONLY way it will work.. for me. my external ip what everyone else connects to is 71.xxxx something or another.. i can't remember it.

but if the servers internal ip is dmz'd.. then port forwarding doesnt matter.. all ports are open on the computer, and if the firewall is down.. then i doupt its a connection issue. unless you xp sp2 firwall runnin.. that can screw everything up.. but yea.. hmmm.. crazy people haven't gotten this figured out yet.. ill read it more sometime when im awake all the way.. and i might be able to add something. i guess anything helps though. lol
nah i dont have xp sp2 firewall

but i do have zonealarm, and i have forwarded all my ports in there too
in zone alarm.. did you allow srcds to act as a server?

i run zone alarm aslo and you have to give the file "srcds.exe" full passage through the firewall, or it won't work right.
but the wierd thing though.. is if your router ip is and everyone that connects says there connecting from that ip.. then i would say its the router... like there connecting to the router, and the router is connecting to the server, which obviously won't work, cuz routers aren't built to handle something like that. soo could you maybe try and plug the server straight into the internet.. posting you ip here.. and we can test it real quick.. or tell somone over msn or something.. cuz if it works then.. its mos def the router.

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