SRCDS Steam group

Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket


I am having some dedicated server trouble, and I have looked around the internet but no one seemed to have an answer so I am hoping to find one here.

I am using the Steam dedicated server on Windows XP Pro (I know, I know, I'm currently updating the command-line one). It is quite an unusual error i think because my server appears in the list but my clients still can't connect. This is what I see from the server console:

Connection to Steam servers successful.
   VAC beta secure mode is activated.
] changelevel de_dust2
Executing dedicated server config file
Client <NAME> connected (
Dropped <NAME> from server
Reason:  Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket

(the changelevel de_dust is merely there so i could exec server.cfg)

I have forwarded all the ports neccessary for both a dedicated server and also just a normal steam client, and forward udp & tcp 27015 and udp 27020 in ZoneAlarm Pro. I think it is probably a connection speed problem (I usually have 64k, as my 1mbit capped connection dries up very fast, and I haven't had a chance to try the server on it yet).

I am also curious as to why it says my clients connect from is the IP of my router/gateway, but i have no idea where the 50070 comes from. all of the ports i forwarded are mapped onto their respective port mappings (e.g. 27015 is mapped to 27015 etc), so I don't know why it says that.

My router and computer specs are as follows:
Router: Dlink DSL-G604T
AMD Athlon 3500+ 64-bit
1GB Hynix DDR2 RAM
Gigabyte GA-K8NXP-SLI mobo
Gigabyte GV-3D1 (Dual 6600 GTs) GFX card
160GB Seagate 7200 RPM HDD
802.11g wireless network adapter
nVidia nforce networking controller
Marvell Yukon 88E8053 controller (which is prone to errors and has faulty drivers so I disabled it)

theres other stuff but thats irrelevant to my knowledge at least.
I am assuming that this is a problem associated with players on your lan. The 50070 is the port. However, I don't think you should be seeing them connect from, but rather their respective lan ip.

Your problem is more of a networking issue. That error often times results because your clients are connecting from a lan that uses a different external ip than the server.

more info can be found here:​fY2F0cz0wJnBfcHY9JnBfY3Y9JnBfc2VhcmNoX3R5cGU9YW5zd2Vycy5zZWFyY2hfbmwmcF9wYWdlPTE​mcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1pbnZhbGlkIHVzZXJpZA**&p_li=&p_topview=1

United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
its an internet server.
i know 50070 is the port, thats the port that my clients tunnel through my router to get to. is my router, and my clients connect to <router's external ip address>:27015, but for some reason when my router passes on the connection to my computer (through port forwarding), it comes up as 50070 (or another random port).

So, no, that did not answer my question...

thanks anyway
if its coming as a random port and you have -port 27015 then something is wrong with your networking. Have you tried turning your wall off and DMZ'ing your server? or leave the firewall on, and DMZ your server(or vice versa), if it remains the same, then the problem is with the router(or vice versa if the wall is on and server out of DMZ)
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
friends Wrote:its an internet server.
i know 50070 is the port, thats the port that my clients tunnel through my router to get to. is my router, and my clients connect to <router's external ip address>:27015, but for some reason when my router passes on the connection to my computer (through port forwarding), it comes up as 50070 (or another random port).

So, no, that did not answer my question...

thanks anyway

But the invalid steam UserID tickets are coming from a lan client is it not? If it's coming from someone off the net, than it may be they are trying to use a steam account currently being used.

50070 is the port the client is connecting from, not the port they are connecting to. You shouldn't be surprised to see different port numbers being used by clients, especially from clients who are on the same external IP as other players, since only one of them can use 27005 at a time.
United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
thanks both of you for replying.

I might try DMZing it but that defeats the purpose of my server because it increases the risk of hackers quite a lot. maybe though, if i cant find another answer.

the invalid steam UserID tickets are coming from internet clients, not lan clients. I have had 3 different people with different steam accounts try on numerous different occasions (because i told them to over MSN) but it comes up with the same error every time, so I don't think it could be the steam account in use thing.

i know 50070 is the port the client is connecting from, or at least the port my computer recieves from my gateway. this confuses me because on the steampowered website it tells you how to forward ports for servers AND clients, and 50070 isn't a port that steam uses as a client connecting to a server. Unless i'm mistaken on this.

The only answer I can think of is either a faulty router or a slow connection. I am pretty sure it isn't my router because I have fully functional HTTP and FTP servers running on my computer. SMTP and other things work too.

My connection with my client isnt the problem because when my friend added my server to his favourites and it reported having a ping of 100-140 (varying). That is definitely fast enough to connect to a client, but maybe my connection is too slow to connect to the STEAM authentification servers?
I said use DMZ only as a matter of testing, if it works with DMZ set on, then you're missing ports.

as far as SMTP, HTTP, and FTP goes, each service only requires 1 port.. 25, 80, and 21 srcds requires more than 1.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
ok thanks ill give it a shot
Are you using +ip <insert your servers LAN ip here> ? if not, try that though im sure you tried that,i remember that fixed it for someone.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
ok ill try both of those.

but where exactly do i type +ip?

i assumed it was in console but it does recognize the command.

is it in server.cfg?
friends Wrote:ok ill try both of those.

but where exactly do i type +ip?

i assumed it was in console but it does recognize the command.

is it in server.cfg?

that goes in your start line

./hlds_run -game cstrike ... +ip <ip addy here> -autoupdate
United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
ok cool thanks

ill get back to you if it works
well no, it didnt work. neither dmz or +ip

so i dont really know what to do....

any more ideas? I'd be really grateful
did you try the +ip option using your external IP as well, or was it just with your lan ip?
United Strike Marine Corps
USMC-CO| θ (theta)
just with my lan ip. ill try my external aswell

thanks for reminding me :p

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