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Rock The Vote System
Jeg Vil Gerne havde Et RTV System. Sådan et Hvor Man Kan Lægge Nogle Maps ind Og Så Når Der Er 4 Players Der Har Skrevet RTV kan man vote om en bane.


Rtv For 1 Min

2 Players For: Surf_machine4
3: Players For: Surf_japan
5: Players For: Death_run nomercy
eller extended For 5 min.

Noget i Den Stil.

Men Hvor Kan jeg Få Det??????

Har du Mani Admin Plugin?
Skal spise om 4 min
Okay. Bon appetit.

Post din mani_server.cfg herinde. I [CODE] format. Du kan se hvordan du gør når du poster.

Så skal jeg fixe det RTV for dig Smile
Okay. Go' appetit.
// *****************************************************************************
// Plugin : Mani Admin Plugin
// Filename : mani_server.cfg
// Last updated : 03/12/2006
// Desc : This is the core configuration file to turn on/off functionality
//        and to also config options within the plugin. By default the main
//        functions are turned off. For the most part the on/off switch is
//        usually the first cvar under each module (i.e mani_adverts,
//        mani_stats, etc)
//        In order for this config to be used by the plugin an exec command
//        must be placed in the server.cfg file within the /cfg folder.
//        'exec mani_server.cfg'
// *****************************************************************************

echo "******     Executing mani_server.cfg      ******"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Advert
// Desc : Adverts can be used in game using this module in conjuction with the
//        adverts.txt file in the /cfg/mani_admin_plugin/ folder
// *****************************************************************************

// Adverts 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_adverts 1

// Time between adverts displayed
mani_time_between_adverts 120

// Allow adverts in chat area of screen
mani_adverts_chat_area 1

// Allow adverts in top left corner of screen (these can be coloured)
mani_adverts_top_left 1

// Sets colour of adverts, here I've set it to blue

// Red component colour of adverts (255 = max)
mani_advert_col_red 0

// Green component colour of adverts (255 = max)
mani_advert_col_green 0

// Blue component colour of adverts (255 = max)
mani_advert_col_blue 255

// This settings allows you to specify whether everyone can see adverts
// or only dead players. 0 = All players whether dead or alive, 1 = Dead only
mani_advert_dead_only 0

// Show adverts in the hint text area (at the bottom middle in CSS)
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
mani_adverts_bottom_area 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Stats
// Desc : The stats module is a very simple ranking system based on 3 methods of
//        calculation (defined in mani_stats_calculate).
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 = Enable stats module, 0 = disable stats module
mani_stats 0

// 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round (CSS Only)
mani_stats_mode 1

// Number of days since player last connected before they are removed from the
// stats list
mani_stats_drop_player_days 5

// This cvar is used to set the type of stats calculation to use for ranking
// players
// 0 = Rank by by pure kills
// 1 = Rank by by kill:death ratio
// 2 = Rank by kills minus deaths
// 3 = Rank by points (points delta = (victim_points/killer_points) * multiplier
mani_stats_calculate 3

// Number of kills required before a player is given a rank
// If you are using the Kill Death ratio you should set this quite high
mani_stats_kills_required 0

// Number of kills + deaths required before a victims points are affected by the
// attackers kills. This prevents new players from affecting regular players points
// until a certain amount of experience is gained from playing.
mani_stats_kills_before_points_removed 0

// Defines how long a 'top' display lasts for before it fades (5 - 30 seconds)
mani_stats_top_display_time 10

// Defines whether other players see your rank when you type 'rank'
// 1 = show rank to all players
// 0 = only show rank to player who typed 'rank'
mani_stats_show_rank_to_all 1

// Defines a message to show when a user types 'rank' and the stats are turned
// off (this can be blank)
// mani_stats_alternative_rank_message ""

// Enables writing of ranks to a text file called mani_ranks.txt for export to a
// web page.
mani_stats_write_text_file 1

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate. This should be
// used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disables frequency calculating, > 0 = time in minutes between each stats
// rank calculation
mani_stats_calculate_frequency 0

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate AND write to disk
// This should be used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disabled, > 0 = time in minutes between each save and recalculation of
// ranks
mani_stats_write_frequency_to_disk 0

// Set to 1 if you want your ranks to be by steam id (default),
// Set to 0 if you are not using steam ids on your server (Lan mode)
mani_stats_by_steam_id 1

// 1 = Include any bot kills made in stats
// 0 = Killing a bot does not count to stats
mani_stats_include_bot_kills 0

// Stats points decay settings
// Number of days since last connect that points decay will start
mani_stats_decay_start 2

// Number of days that the decay will take place over once started
// Points will drop to 500 over this period of time. If the player rejoins
// their points will be restored to full value
mani_stats_decay_period 7

// When a player reconnects the stats module can restore a players
// points back to the full amount if decay has set in
// 0 = Do not restore full points, 1 = restore to full points
mani_stats_decay_restore_points_on_connect 0

// If set to 1 a victim will never lose points ala BF2
mani_stats_points_add_only 0

// Number of days before a player is made invisible from
// being ranked. Note that the player is not dropped, if
// they rejoin their rank will be restored.
mani_stats_ignore_ranks_after_x_days 21

// Multiplier used in points calculation, default is 5.0
mani_stats_points_multiplier "5.0"

// Multiplier for victim points lost. If you want victims
// to lose say half points for dying set this to "0.5" etc
mani_stats_points_death_multiplier "1.0"

// Weapon weighting for CSS Stats
// Making a weight 2.0 will double the points given/taken
// Making a weight 0.5 will halve the points given/taken
mani_stats_css_weapon_ak47 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m4a1 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_mp5navy "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_awp "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_usp "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_deagle "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_aug "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_hegrenade "1.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_xm1014 "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_knife "2.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_g3sg1 "0.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_sg550 "0.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_galil "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m3 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_scout "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_sg552 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_famas "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_glock "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_tmp "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_ump45 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_p90 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m249 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_elite "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_mac10 "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_fiveseven "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_p228 "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_flashbang "5.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_smokegrenade "5.0"

// Bonus Points for CSS Players
mani_stats_css_bomb_planted_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_bomb_defused_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_hostage_rescued_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_hostage_killed_bonus "-15"
mani_stats_css_vip_escape_bonus "4"
mani_stats_css_vip_killed_bonus "10"

// Bonus Points for CSS Teams
mani_stats_css_ct_eliminated_team_bonus "2"
mani_stats_css_t_eliminated_team_bonus "2"
mani_stats_css_ct_vip_escaped_team_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_t_vip_assassinated_team_bonus "6"
mani_stats_css_t_target_bombed_team_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_ct_all_hostages_rescued_team_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_ct_bomb_defused_team_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_ct_hostage_killed_team_bonus "1"
mani_stats_css_ct_hostage_rescued_team_bonus "1"
mani_stats_css_t_bomb_planted_team_bonus "2"

// Weapon weighting for DODS Stats
// Making a weight 2.0 will double the points given/taken
// Making a weight 0.5 will halve the points given/taken
mani_stats_dods_weapon_amerknife "3.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_spade "3.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_colt "1.6"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_p38 "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_c96 "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_garand "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_m1carbine "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_k98 "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_spring "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_k98_scoped "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_thompson "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mp40 "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mp44 "1.35"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_bar "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_30cal "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mg42 "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_bazooka "2.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_pschreck "2.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_frag_us "1.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_frag_ger "1.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_smoke_us "5.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_smoke_ger "5.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_riflegren_us "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_riflegren_ger "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_punch "3.0"

// Bonus Points for DODS
mani_stats_dods_capture_point 4
mani_stats_dods_block_capture 4
mani_stats_dods_round_win_bonus 4

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Victim Stats
// Desc : The victim stats module shows your statistic for the period when
//        you were alive
// *****************************************************************************

// Allow the use of victim stats
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
mani_show_victim_stats 0

// Set to 1 if you don't want to see damage taken from yourself
mani_show_victim_stats_inflicted_only 0

// This controls the default mode a player will have their victim stats mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the victim stats functionality is on or off.
// 0 = mode 0, 1 = mode 1, 2 = mode 2, 3 = GUI mode
mani_player_settings_damage 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Most Destructive
// Desc : This small module for CSS only shows the player that caused
//        the most damage with their kills at the end of a round
// *****************************************************************************

// Enable most destructive stats output
mani_stats_most_destructive 1

// 0 = By Kills then damage, 1 = by damage alone
mani_stats_most_destructive_mode 0

// This controls the default mode a player will have their *Most Destructve*
// stats mode set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is
// applied to the player's stored record withing player_settings.txt it
// does not control whether the *Most Destructve* functionality is on or off.
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
mani_player_settings_destructive 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Team Kill/Wound Protection
// Desc : The stats module is a very simple ranking system based on 3 methods of
//        calculation (defined in mani_stats_calculate).
// *****************************************************************************

// Enable TK Protection 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_protection 0

// Enable TK Punishment menu 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_forgive 1

// Time allowed after freezetime where spawn protection is enabled
mani_tk_spawn_time 5

// Defines whether bots can run tk punish options on other player (1 = on)
mani_tk_allow_bots_to_punish 1

// Defines whether when tk'ing a bot adds to a players tk violation count
// 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_tk_allow_bots_to_add_violations 0

// Number of tk violations before player is banned
mani_tk_offences_for_ban 7

// Time in minutes for a tk ban, 0 = permanent
mani_tk_ban_time 5

// When set to 1 a player will be slapped and have their view moved when
// team wounding.
mani_tk_slap_on_team_wound 0

// Sets the amount of damage a team wound inflicts on the attacker
mani_tk_slap_on_team_wound_damage 0

// If set to 1 shows opposition team wounds in chat and all team wounds if
// you are spectator, 0 = normal css style
mani_tk_show_opposite_team_wound 1

// Defines whether a players tk violation count is incremented even if
// forgiven (0 = off, 1 = on)
mani_tk_add_violation_without_forgive 0

// Turn on forgive option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_forgive_option 1

// Defines whether the blind option can be used on players (1 = on)
mani_tk_allow_blind_option 1

// Amount of blindness for 'blind' punishment (255 = completely blind)
mani_tk_blind_amount 253

// Turn on slap option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_slap_option 1

// Turn on tk cash option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_cash_option 1

// Amount of health that a player will slapped to
mani_tk_slap_to_damage 10

// Amount of cash to take from a team killer
mani_tk_cash_percent 30

// Turn on freeze option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_freeze_option 1

// When set to 1 the Drug option is allowed in the TK Menu
mani_tk_allow_drugged_option 1

// Turn on burn option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_burn_option 1

// This defines how long the burn time should be for in seconds for a
// tk punishment
mani_tk_burn_time 100

// Turn on slay option for tk punishments
// 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_allow_slay_option 1

// Main option to turn on damage reflection
// 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect 0

// Set the number of team wounds required by a player during the course
// of a map before the reflective damage kicks in
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_threshold 5

// This value is a damage multiplier that inflicts whatever damage
// (armor loss + health loss) was given to the victim back to the attacker.
// When set to 1.0 the damage is perfectly reflected, set at 2.0
// the damage inflicted back on the attacker will be twice the damage etc.
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_ratio 1.0

// An addition cvar here increases the reflection ratio each time the player
// teamwounds another player. This is to deter persistent team wounders
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_ratio_increase 0.1

// This defines whether the tk time bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_time_bomb_option 1

// This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_time_bomb_seconds 10

// This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_time_bomb_blast_radius 1000

// 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_time_bomb_show_beams 1

// 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_time_bomb_blast_mode 2

// This defines whether the tk fire bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_fire_bomb_option 1

// This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_fire_bomb_seconds 10

// This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_fire_bomb_blast_radius 1000

// 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_fire_bomb_show_beams 1

// 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_fire_bomb_blast_mode 2

// Time in seconds that players will burn for
mani_tk_fire_bomb_burn_time 100

// This defines whether the tk freeze bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_freeze_bomb_option 1

// This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_seconds 10

// This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_blast_radius 1000

// 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_show_beams 1

// 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_blast_mode 2

// Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast,
// default is 256
mani_tk_time_bomb_beep_radius 0

// Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast,
// default is 256
mani_tk_fire_bomb_beep_radius 0

// Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast,
// default is 256
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_beep_radius 0

// Allow TK Beacon circle tk option
mani_tk_allow_beacon_option 1

// Radius of beacon circle
mani_tk_beacon_radius 384

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Reserve Slot
// Desc : The Reserve slot module configuration cvars
// *****************************************************************************

// Turn on off reserve slots
mani_reserve_slots 0

// Number of reserve slots you have
mani_reserve_slots_number_of_slots 1

// User defined message shown in players console when kicked
mani_reserve_slots_kick_message "You were disconnected for using a reserve slot"

// User defined message for redirection of players to another server
mani_reserve_slots_redirect_message "This server is full, you are being redirected to another one of our servers"

// The IP address of the server you wish to redirect players to. Leave it blank
// if you do not want redirection to be used
mani_reserve_slots_redirect ""

// This defines whether you want your reserve slots to fill with reserve players
// or always be kept free (1 = allow slots to fill, 0 = always keeps slots free
// and kick player instead)
mani_reserve_slots_allow_slot_fill 1

// Type of method used to kick players, 0 = by highest ping (spectators first),
// 1 = by connection time (spectators go first)
mani_reserve_slots_kick_method 1

// Include admins in the adminlist.txt file as players who have reserve slots
// (1 = include admins)
mani_reserve_slots_include_admin 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : High Ping kick
// Desc : The Reserve slot module configuration cvars
// *****************************************************************************

// Enable disable high ping kicker (1 = on)
mani_high_ping_kick 1

// Set the ping at which you want players kicked
mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit 200

// Number of samples and averaged before a decision is made to kick a player
// (1 sample is about 1.5 seconds)
mani_high_ping_kick_samples_required 100

// Message displayed in console when player is disconnected
mani_high_ping_kick_message "Your ping is too high"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Admin action messages
// Desc : This section defines which admin actions will be anonymous to
//        non-admins on your server. If the option is set to 1 then the action
//        will not be shown to non-admins, if set to 0 then all players will
//        see which admin kicked/slayed/banned/etc a player.
// *****************************************************************************

mani_adminslap_anonymous 0
mani_adminblind_anonymous 0
mani_adminfreeze_anonymous 0
mani_adminteleport_anonymous 0
mani_admindrug_anonymous 0
mani_adminmap_anonymous 0
mani_adminswap_anonymous 0
mani_adminvote_anonymous 0
mani_adminsay_anonymous 0
mani_adminkick_anonymous 0
mani_adminslay_anonymous 0
mani_adminban_anonymous 0
mani_adminburn_anonymous 0
mani_adminnoclip_anonymous 0
mani_adminmute_anonymous 0
mani_admincash_anonymous 0
mani_adminsetskin_anonymous 0
mani_admindropc4_anonymous 0
mani_admintimebomb_anonymous 0
mani_adminfirebomb_anonymous 0
mani_adminfreezebomb_anonymous 0
mani_adminhealth_anonymous 0
mani_adminbeacon_anonymous 0
mani_admingravity_anonymous 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Chat flooding control
// Desc : This is to control chat spam with the game
// *****************************************************************************

// Sets the time threshold for chat spamming (0 = off, 1.5 is a good
// value for use)
mani_chat_flood_time 0

// Sets the message the player will receive when they are spamming
mani_chat_flood_message "STOP SPAMMING THE SERVER !!"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Basic auto balance teams
// Desc : This is a very basic auto balancer, this does not take into
//        account player skill
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to 1 for auto team balancing at end of rounds (an alternative to the
// CSSource built in team balancer)
mani_autobalance_teams 0

// 0 = Players balanced regardless if dead or alive, 1 = dead players swapped
// first followed by alive players, 2 = only dead players can be swapped
mani_autobalance_mode 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Current Time Display
// Desc : This controls the time of day message formatting
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 for military style time, 0 for 12 hour clock
mani_military_time 1

// Set to your servers timezone or leave it blank, it will be added to the
// end of the time when displayed
mani_thetime_timezone "GMT"

// mani_adjust_time cvar allows you to specify the number of minutes to
// add or subtract from your server clock when you type thetime in game.
// If you server is 20 minutes fast set mani_adjust_time -20, if it is
// 30 minutes slow set mani_adjust_time 30.
mani_adjust_time 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Voting functionality
// Desc : There are two types of vote. System started where an admin has
//        triggered a vote or User started where a user has started a vote
//        The following cvars control the configuration of the voting
// *****************************************************************************

// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
mani_voting 1

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 2

// Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
mani_vote_extend_time 20

// Defines the whether the a map can be extended
mani_vote_allow_extend 1

// Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 45

// Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of
// the map
mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

// Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote,
// 0 = infinite
mani_vote_max_extends 4

// Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
mani_vote_extend_rounds 5

// Define the file to use for random map vote
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 2

// Define the file that admin can select from for admin
// started vote.
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 2

// Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote
// is started
mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 3

// Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 10

// Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
// of map vote (CSS Only)
mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 0

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set rcon vote
mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set question vote
mani_vote_question_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map vote
mani_vote_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set random map vote
mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 10

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting
// 0 = quiet mode,
// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice,
// 2 = Show voted choice but not player,
// 3 = show player name and their choice
mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

// Following cvar now has 2 modes of operation
// 0 = alive players will see vote menu,
// 1 = alive players will need to type vote to access the menu,
mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 0

// Allow user started votemaps
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 1

// Allow the users to extend maps if time based
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

// Allow the users to kick players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 1

// Allow the users to ban players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set an extend map vote
mani_vote_extend_percent_required 10

// Percentage of votes required from players before map change
mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 1

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 3

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 1

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 4

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 120

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 4

// Time in minutes for the ban, 0 = permanent ban
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 10

// 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 1

// Allow rock the vote
mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

// Time before rockthevote can be started after a new map starts
mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 120

// Number of nominations included in the vote
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 6

// Number of random maps chosen from votemaplist.txt
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 8

// Percentage of players on server required to type rockthevote before
// it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

// Minimum number of players required to type rockthevote before it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 4

// This controls the default mode a player will have their 'show vote progress'
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the vote progress functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Word filter module
// Desc : The following cvars control the configuration of the chat word filter
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = off, 1 = show warning to player
mani_filter_words_mode 0

// Message shown to player
mani_filter_words_warning "SWEARING IS NOT ALLOWED ON THIS SERVER !!!"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Sounds Control
// Desc : The following cvars control how system sounds are configured. This
//        is not related to the Quake sounds
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to the number of sounds you wish a regular non-admin player to be able
// to use per round
mani_sounds_per_round 0

// Set to 1 if you want alive players not to hear sounds triggered by dead
// players
mani_sounds_filter_if_dead 0

// mani_sounds_auto_download is a cvar to control whether server sounds
// (not quake sounds) are auto downloaded to a client. If set to 0 you must
// provide your own .res files to initiate transfers to a client.
// If you change this value from 1 to 0 while the server is running you
// must restart your server.
mani_sounds_auto_download 1

// This controls the default mode a player will have their death beam mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the death beam functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_sounds 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Plugin Logging
// Desc : The following cvars control how the plugin logging is configured
// *****************************************************************************

// Admin logging parameters
// Directory where logs will be stored under the mani_path directory
// The logging mode you wish to use
// 0 = default placing of log files in the same .log files that Valve creates
// 1 = logs created per map change using the same style filenames that Valve
// uses in the mani_log_directory directory
// 2 = One large file is written in the mani_log_directory
// 3 = A log is written as a steam id for each admin that runs a command, the
// format is STEAM_x_x_xxxxxxxx.log
mani_log_mode 0

// Path where the logs are stored
mani_log_directory "mani_logs"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Death Beams  
// Desc : The death beams show a solid beam when you die between the point
//        where your attacker killed you from and the point where you
//        were when you died. Only the victim will see the beam
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = death beams not allowed, 1 = death beams are shown if player
// has them turned in their settings
mani_show_death_beams 0

// This controls the default mode a player will have their death beam mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the death beam functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
mani_player_settings_death_beam 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Anti IP Ghosting  
// Desc : The plugin can be configured to blind players on the same IP once
//        they die and another player is still alive. At the point when all
//        players ghosting on the same IP are dead they will be able to see
//        again.
// *****************************************************************************

// This cvar prevents players on the same IP from viewing the game whilst
// another player on the same IP is still alive. Admins on the same IP are
// immune from this and there is an immunity flag that can also be used.
// 0 = Dont blind ghosters on same IP, 1 = blind ghosters on same IP address
mani_blind_ghosters 0

// The following cvars can prevent players using the same IP taking over
// your server by having a majority vote and kicking players so they can play.
// 0 = Players on same IPs cannot use voteban
// 1 = Players on same IPs can use voteban
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban_ghost 1

// 0 = Players on same IPs cannot use votekick
// 1 = Players on same IPs can use votekick
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick_ghost 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Decal Map Adverts  
// Desc : In game map adverts can be placed onto static objects in the game
//        such as walls.
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 = turn on map adverts, 0 = turn off map adverts
mani_map_adverts 0

// Note about the following cvar. If you enable war mode with
// mani_map_adverts_in_war 0 then you must either change map or get the
// players to type 'retry' in their console for the existing adverts to disappear
// 1 = allow map adverts with war mode on
// 0 = disallow map adverts in war mode
mani_map_adverts_in_war 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Anti-cheat  
// Desc : For the most part this code is now out of date as Vac should pick
//        up the cheat type that this looks for so it is not worth turning on
//        the detection at the current time.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = off otherwise set to the number of name changes allowed before
// action is taken (this was for a hack that constantly changed a player's
// name making it hard to find the actual player to ban)
mani_player_name_change_threshold 15

// 0 = reset name change count per round
// 1 = reset name change count per map
mani_player_name_change_reset 0

// 0 = kick, 1 = ban by ID, 2 = ban by IP, 3 = ban by ID and IP
mani_player_name_change_punishment 0

// 0 = permanent ban otherwise specifies the number of minutes
mani_player_name_change_ban_time 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Extra spawnpoints
// Desc : Extra spawnpoints can be turned on and off using the following cvar
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = off, 1 = on (will use spawnpoints.txt file)
mani_spawnpoints_mode 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Custom Skin Control
// Desc : The following cvars are used to configure the options for the skins
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Dont allow admins to have admin skins, 1 = Allow admins to have admin
// skins
mani_skins_admin 0

// 0 = Dont allow public skins for normal players, 1 = Allow public skins
// for normal players
mani_skins_public 0

// 0 = Dont force first skin in list for public player, 1 = Force first skin
// in list on public player
mani_skins_force_public 0

// 0 = Allow all skins to be selected via ma_setskin, 1 = Only allow misc
// skins to be used
mani_skins_setskin_misc_only 0

// 0 = Dont auto download skin resources, 1 = auto download skin resources
// to clients
mani_skins_auto_download 0

// 0 = Dont allow immunity players to have reserved skins,
// 1 = Allow immunity players to have reserved skins
mani_skins_reserved 0

// 0 = No menu on team join, 1 = show skin chooser on team join,
// 2 = show settings menu on team join
mani_skins_force_choose_on_join 1

// 0 = no custom skins for bots, 1 = use random public class skins on bots
mani_skins_random_bot_skins 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Spray Tag Tracking
// Desc : The spray tag tracking module allows an admin to check the details
//        of who sprayed a tag within the game using the command ma_spray
//        while near the spray in question
// *****************************************************************************

// Spray Tag Tracking control
// 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_spray_tag 0

// Time in seconds that a spray will be tracked for
mani_spray_tag_spray_duration 120

// Max distance away from a spray that you can be for acquisition
mani_spray_tag_spray_distance_limit 500

// Use effect to show which spray is being targetted
// 0 = none
// 1 = beam (defaults to glow for DoD)
// 2 = glow
mani_spray_tag_spray_highlight 1

// Non-permanent ban time in minutes
mani_spray_tag_ban_time 60

// Console messages
mani_spray_tag_warning_message "Please stop using your spray"
mani_spray_tag_kick_message "You have been kicked for using an offensive spray"
mani_spray_tag_ban_message "You have been banned for 60 minutes through using an offensive spray"
mani_spray_tag_perm_ban_message "You have been permanently banned for using an offensive spray"

// 0 = Allow sprays on the server
// 1 = Block all sprays on the server (must have mani_spray_tag 1)
mani_spray_tag_block_mode 0

// Warning message if sprays are blocked
mani_spray_tag_block_message "Sprays are blocked on this server !!"

// Amount of damage to inflict for a spray tag warn with slap option
mani_spray_tag_slap_damage 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Warmup Timer
// Desc : Warmup timers are used at the start of a map. A timer can be setup
//        that will restart the map after a set amount of time. For something
//        like CSS this means late joiners can still start on the pistol round
//        and not miss out. For CSS there is a specific cvar to allow only
//        knives to be used during this period.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = No warmup time on map load
// Greater than 0 = number of seconds after map load until map restarts and
// play continues as normal.
mani_warmup_timer 0

// 1 = visible countdown displayed in center of screen
// 0 = no countdown displayed
mani_warmup_timer_show_countdown 1

// For CSS only, set to 1 for knife mode where players are only allowed to use
// knives during the warmup period
mani_warmup_timer_knives_only 0

// For CSS only, allow players to respawn when dying in the warmup knife round
// only
mani_warmup_timer_knives_respawn 1

// Set the following to 1 if you do not want TK punishments to be used during
// the warmup round. Set to 0 if you wish to allow tk punishments
mani_warmup_timer_ignore_tk 1

// If you want the knife mode to be disabled on fy_ and aim_ maps where guns
// are already on the ground set this to 1, set to 0 if you do not care
mani_warmup_timer_knives_only_ignore_fyi_aim_maps 1

// Set this to 1 for unlimited HE Grenades during warmup (this is really good fun !!)
mani_warmup_timer_unlimited_grenades 0

// Items to give to player at spawn i.e weapon_ak47, item_assaultsuit etc
// You can have multiple items on each cvar, the plugin will pick a random item
// from each cvar for example
// mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_2 "weapon_xm1014:weapon_usp:weapon_ump45:weapon_tmp:weapon_scout:weapon_p90:weapon_​aug:weapon_p228:weapon_mp5navy:weapon_mac10:weapon_m4a1:weapon_m3:weapon_m249:we​apon_glock:weapon_galil:weapon_fiveseven:weapon_ak47"

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_1 "item_assaultsuit"
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_2 ""
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_3 ""
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_4 ""
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_5 ""

// If friendly fire is enabled normally setting this to 1 will disable it
// during the course of the warmup
mani_warmup_timer_disable_ff 1

// Set infinite ammo for CSS, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
mani_warmup_infinite_ammo 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Menu options
// Desc : The following options determine the type of menu you wish to use
//        and how they are displayed
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to 1 for in game amx style menus, or 0 for Escape style menus
// This is overriden by the gametypes.txt file if the game does not support
// AMX style menus. At the time of writing there are only 3 games that support
// the AMX style. CS:S, DoD:S and HL2CTF
mani_use_amx_style_menu 1

// 0 = No sorting of menus, 1 = Sort most menus by players name
mani_sort_menus 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : External logging (V1.2 required)
// Desc : This configures extra logging that is required by extern stats
//        programs like hlstatsx and psychostats for body hit group counts
//        and accuracy related to weapon types.
// *****************************************************************************

// Enables disables the logging 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_external_stats_log 0

// Option to allow extra logs within war mode, 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_external_stats_log_allow_war_logs 0

// Option for CSS to log bot kills or not
// 0 = do not log bot kills
// 1 = log bot kills
mani_external_stats_css_include_bots 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Save scores
// Desc : This module saves player scores when they leave a map then restores
//        their scores if they then rejoin on the same map. For CSS this can
//        also include cash if the option is set. If a map is restarted via
//        mp_restartgame the saved scores are reset
// *****************************************************************************

// Enabled/Disabled save scores functionality, 0 = off/1 = on
mani_save_scores 0

// Amount of time in minutes to store a player score for, if set to 0 the score
// will be tracked for the duration of the map
mani_save_scores_tracking_time 5

// For CSS only if set to 1 the save scores module will also restore their cash
// too. 0 = off/1 = on
mani_save_scores_css_cash 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Auto Join restriction
// Desc : This module can stop a player from selecting a specific team and
//        force them to join using auto-assign or join spectator. As an
//        extension to this it can also remember the team that the player is
//        assigned to and force them to rejoin that team if they re-connect on
//        that map. The auto-join module can be overriden by ma_swapteam,
//        auto balancing and any extern plugins such as etb or ptb.
// *****************************************************************************

// Option to enabled/disable the functionality. By having it enabled the player
// must use auto-assign when joining a team
// 1 = on/0 = off
mani_team_join_force_auto 0

// When set to 1 the plugin will store the team the player was on and force them
// to that team if they try to re-connect or change team within the game.
mani_team_join_keep_same_team 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Steam ID Pending kicker
// Desc : This module can kick a player whos steam ID is stuck at
//        STEAM_ID_PENDING after a certain time period. When kicked the user
//        will be shown a message asking them to re-connect
// *****************************************************************************

// Option to specify the number of seconds to wait after the player joins the
// server before kicking them. A suggested value is about 15-20 seconds.
// If set to 0 the functionality is disabled
mani_steam_id_pending_timeout 0

// An option to display to admin when a player was kicked for having a
// steam id pending problem.
mani_steam_id_pending_show_admin 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : AFK Manager
// Desc : This module can control how to manage players who are AFK. It works
//        by tracking keyboard and mouse movements rather than in game player
//        positions. The manager can be configured to work using the number
//        of rounds that a player is AFK for or by a set number of seconds
//        a player can be AFK.
// *****************************************************************************

// Cvar to turn on/off the AFK Manager 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_afk_kicker 0

// 0 = Kick to spectator first, then off the server, 1 = Kick straight off the
// server
mani_afk_kicker_mode 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of rounds before a player is kicked off server or
// to spectator
mani_afk_kicker_alive_rounds 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of rounds before being kicked off server
mani_afk_kicker_spectator_rounds 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of seconds before a player is kicked off server or
// to spectator
mani_afk_kicker_alive_timer 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of seconds before being kicked off server
mani_afk_kicker_spectator_timer 0

// 0 = Immune player is not moved at all, 1 = Immune player will be moved to spectator
// but not kicked
mani_afk_kicker_immunity_to_spec_only 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Betting Module
// Desc : This module is a simple betting module similar to the Mattie's
//        event script by ajax though not as complex.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable betting, 1 = Enable betting
mani_css_betting 0

// 0 = Players can bet when alive or dead, 1 = Players can only bet when dead
mani_css_betting_dead_only 1

// This determines if a in a x vs 1 situation if the single player who the
// odds are against wins, they receive the losing wager pot.
// The setting determines at what number of players that this option applies
// e.g 5 vs 1, you would set it to 5, 3 vs 1, set it to 3.
// In the example of 5 vs 1. If the total bets made total $4000 for the team of
// 5 and they lose, the player who killed all 5 will receive the $4000 that was
// wagered against that player.
mani_css_betting_pay_losing_bets 0

// 0 = No announcement, 1 = announcement made to place bets
mani_css_betting_announce_one_v_one 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Bounty Module
// Desc : This module is a bounty module similar to that of Firesnakes Script
//        for Matties event scripts. The bounty module tracks a players kill
//        streak. Once past a certain amount of kills that player has a bounty
//        placed on their head. The person who then kills that player receives
//        the bounty
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable the module
mani_css_bounty 0

// Sets the kill streak required to have a bounty placed on a player
mani_css_bounty_kill_streak 5

// Sets the start bounty for the player
mani_css_bounty_start_cash 1000

// Sets the amount of cash add to a players bounty for surviving a round with
// a bounty on their head
mani_css_bounty_survive_round_cash 500

// Sets the amount of cash added to a players bounty for killing another player
// whilst having a bounty on themseleves
mani_css_bounty_kill_cash 250

// Sets the colour a player should turn into when a bounty is on them when playing
// as CT
mani_css_bounty_ct_red 255
mani_css_bounty_ct_green 255
mani_css_bounty_ct_blue 255
mani_css_bounty_ct_alpha 255

// Sets the colour a player should turn into when a bounty is on them when playing
// as T
mani_css_bounty_t_red 255
mani_css_bounty_t_green 255
mani_css_bounty_t_blue 255
mani_css_bounty_t_alpha 255

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Objectives Module for CSS
// Desc : This module is an objectives module that slays all players who have
//        not completed their team objectives at the end of a round. For example
//        if the CTs choose not to defuse a bomb, they will be slayed. If
//        the terrorists refuse to plant the bomb, they will be slayed at the
//        end of the round.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
mani_css_objectives 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : AutoMap Module
// Desc : This module is designed to allow a set of popular maps to be
//        autoloaded if your server has a minimum number of players on it.
//        A typical setup would be to switch to de_dust2 for instance if there
//        are no players on the server at the time.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
mani_automap 0

// This cvar sets up the list of maps that you would like to switch to, you
// can setup more than one map by seperating each map with the : symbol e.g
// mani_automap_map_list "de_dust2:de_aztec:cs_office"
mani_automap_map_list ""

// The number of players or less that will trigger the automap change
mani_automap_player_threshold 0

// Include bots in the threshold calculation.
// 0 = Exclude bots from the calculation
// 1 = Include bots in the calculation
mani_automap_include_bots 0

// Time in seconds after the player threshold has been reached that an automap
// change will take place. Default is 5 minutes (300 seconds)
mani_automap_timer 300

// If an automap event happens, you can set the next map once that map has
// loaded to be the same as the current map.
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = enabled
mani_automap_set_nextmap 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Miscallaneous
// Desc : Small cvars for various controls
// *****************************************************************************

// Call to the mani_quake_sounds.cfg file if it exists
exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg

// The following cvar controls how the mapcycle is calculated
// 0 = standard Valve map cycle,
// 1 = if you don't want your mapcycle to reset to the first in the
// list when moving to a map not in the cycle,
// 2 = random cycle (uses mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps cvar to exclude
// last maps played)
// 3 = skip to the next unplayed map in the map cycle list until all maps
// have been played when it is reset.
mani_mapcycle_mode 0

// 0 = Normal game play
// 1 = players get free HEs in CSS at spawn and after an HE has been thrown
mani_unlimited_grenades 0

// Force all dead players to run overview_mode 0 every game frame
mani_war_mode_force_overview_zero 0

// Set this to allow stacking of players in CSS
// (overrides cs_stacking_num_levels cvar)
mani_cs_stacking_num_levels 2

// mani_use_ma_in_say_command When set to 1 you must use the prefix ma_ in
// say commands, if 0 you can drop the ma_ prefix if you wish
// This is only for in game say commands and for Beetlefart compatibilty if
// you use it.
mani_use_ma_in_say_command 0

// 0 = All Dead talk off, 1 = All dead talk on
mani_dead_alltalk 0

// Set to 0 for normal mode, set to 1 for spam removal.
// This cvar is useful if you are using Mattie's Event Scripts that call
// plugin functions so the chat area is not spammed.
mani_mute_con_command_spam 0

// Enable disable top left ma_say and ma_chat
mani_adminsay_top_left 1

// Enable disable chat area ma_say and ma_chat
mani_adminsay_chat_area 1

// Allow admin say at bottom of screen
mani_adminsay_bottom_area 0

// Allow users to chat to admins using ma_chat
mani_allow_chat_to_admin 1

// Defines whether the command ff executed is shown only to the player or the
// whole server (1 = player only)
mani_ff_player_only 0

// Defines whether the command nextmap executed is shown only to the player or
// the whole server (1 = player only)
mani_nextmap_player_only 0

// Defines whether the command timeleft executed is shown only to the player
// or the whole server (1 = player only)
mani_timeleft_player_only 0

// Defines whether the command thetime executed is shown only to the player or
// the whole server (1 = player only)
mani_thetime_player_only 0

// This defines how long the burn time should be for in seconds when a player
// is burned by admin
mani_admin_burn_time 20

// This defines whether a message will be displayed when a hostage stops
// following you in CSS.
mani_hostage_follow_warning 0

// This allows you to change the prefix of chat commands, the default is @
mani_say_command_prefix "@"

// This allows all players to be able to use the ma_rates command
// 0 = Only admins with ma_rates access,
// 1 = Anyone on the server can use ma_rates
mani_all_see_ma_rates 0

// If a team swap takes place via the end of map vote, set this to 1 to
// swap the team scores, set to 0 if not (CSS Only)
mani_swap_team_score 1

// If you want the menus to close automatically after making a select like
// slay, freeze etc, set this to 1. If you wish them to stay open set this to 0
mani_old_style_menu_behaviour 0

// If you are using the AMX style menus but would prefer the option to use
// the escape style text input box when inputting text data such as when
// setting a name in the Client Admin menu, then set this to 1.
mani_menu_force_text_input_via_esc 0

// With the following cvar you can setup the maximum time that a player can ban
// for if they only have the normal ban flag 'b' setup for them. The flag for
// any kind of ban incuding permanent bans is the 'pban' flag. The value of the
// cvar is in minutes. The default value is 360 minutes or 6 hours, any admin
// with the 'b' flag but not the 'pban' flag will only be able to ban a player
// for 6 hours at the most and will not be able to do permanent bans.
mani_admin_temp_ban_time_limit 360

// This cvar slays players who are killed during a CSS round then leave and
// rejoin the server in the same round then spawn to play the same round
// more than once. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
mani_anti_rejoin 1

// This cvar will refund the money for a weapon if it is removed at spawn
// from a player due to an impending restriction.
mani_weapon_restrict_refund_on_spawn 1

// This cvar will prevent users from picking up a weapon if it is restricted.
// It also closes a loop hole where a weapon can be bought, dropped, then
// another weapon bought (assuming 1 weapon per team is in effect)
mani_weapon_restrict_prevent_pickup 1

// 5 configs that can be run on start of map load
// mani_exec_default_file1 defaults if not set to mani_server.cfg
// mani_exec_default_file2 defaults if not set to ./mani_admin_plugin/defaults.cfg

mani_exec_default_file1 "mani_server.cfg"
mani_exec_default_file2 "./mani_admin_plugin/defaults.cfg"
mani_exec_default_file3 ""
mani_exec_default_file4 ""
mani_exec_default_file5 ""

// If you have Steam Bans running ( you can automatically
// get your client to run sb_status in the console when choosing a player
// to observe. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
mani_sb_observe_mode 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Finish up with a message to the console
// *****************************************************************************

echo "****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******"
Sorry Skulle havde posted Det i CODE Format
Ja :p

Det fixer jeg lige! Toungue
jeg kunne også godt tænke mig det så folk kan votekicke
// *****************************************************************************
// Plugin : Mani Admin Plugin
// Filename : mani_server.cfg
// Last updated : 03/12/2006
// Desc : This is the core configuration file to turn on/off functionality
//        and to also config options within the plugin. By default the main
//        functions are turned off. For the most part the on/off switch is
//        usually the first cvar under each module (i.e mani_adverts,
//        mani_stats, etc)
//        In order for this config to be used by the plugin an exec command
//        must be placed in the server.cfg file within the /cfg folder.
//        'exec mani_server.cfg'
// *****************************************************************************

echo "******     Executing mani_server.cfg      ******"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Advert
// Desc : Adverts can be used in game using this module in conjuction with the
//        adverts.txt file in the /cfg/mani_admin_plugin/ folder
// *****************************************************************************

// Adverts 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_adverts 1

// Time between adverts displayed
mani_time_between_adverts 120

// Allow adverts in chat area of screen
mani_adverts_chat_area 1

// Allow adverts in top left corner of screen (these can be coloured)
mani_adverts_top_left 1

// Sets colour of adverts, here I've set it to blue

// Red component colour of adverts (255 = max)
mani_advert_col_red 0

// Green component colour of adverts (255 = max)
mani_advert_col_green 0

// Blue component colour of adverts (255 = max)
mani_advert_col_blue 255

// This settings allows you to specify whether everyone can see adverts
// or only dead players. 0 = All players whether dead or alive, 1 = Dead only
mani_advert_dead_only 0

// Show adverts in the hint text area (at the bottom middle in CSS)
// 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
mani_adverts_bottom_area 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Stats
// Desc : The stats module is a very simple ranking system based on 3 methods of
//        calculation (defined in mani_stats_calculate).
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 = Enable stats module, 0 = disable stats module
mani_stats 0

// 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round (CSS Only)
mani_stats_mode 1

// Number of days since player last connected before they are removed from the
// stats list
mani_stats_drop_player_days 5

// This cvar is used to set the type of stats calculation to use for ranking
// players
// 0 = Rank by by pure kills
// 1 = Rank by by kill:death ratio
// 2 = Rank by kills minus deaths
// 3 = Rank by points (points delta = (victim_points/killer_points) * multiplier
mani_stats_calculate 3

// Number of kills required before a player is given a rank
// If you are using the Kill Death ratio you should set this quite high
mani_stats_kills_required 0

// Number of kills + deaths required before a victims points are affected by the
// attackers kills. This prevents new players from affecting regular players points
// until a certain amount of experience is gained from playing.
mani_stats_kills_before_points_removed 0

// Defines how long a 'top' display lasts for before it fades (5 - 30 seconds)
mani_stats_top_display_time 10

// Defines whether other players see your rank when you type 'rank'
// 1 = show rank to all players
// 0 = only show rank to player who typed 'rank'
mani_stats_show_rank_to_all 1

// Defines a message to show when a user types 'rank' and the stats are turned
// off (this can be blank)
// mani_stats_alternative_rank_message ""

// Enables writing of ranks to a text file called mani_ranks.txt for export to a
// web page.
mani_stats_write_text_file 1

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate. This should be
// used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disables frequency calculating, > 0 = time in minutes between each stats
// rank calculation
mani_stats_calculate_frequency 0

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate AND write to disk
// This should be used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disabled, > 0 = time in minutes between each save and recalculation of
// ranks
mani_stats_write_frequency_to_disk 0

// Set to 1 if you want your ranks to be by steam id (default),
// Set to 0 if you are not using steam ids on your server (Lan mode)
mani_stats_by_steam_id 1

// 1 = Include any bot kills made in stats
// 0 = Killing a bot does not count to stats
mani_stats_include_bot_kills 0

// Stats points decay settings
// Number of days since last connect that points decay will start
mani_stats_decay_start 2

// Number of days that the decay will take place over once started
// Points will drop to 500 over this period of time. If the player rejoins
// their points will be restored to full value
mani_stats_decay_period 7

// When a player reconnects the stats module can restore a players
// points back to the full amount if decay has set in
// 0 = Do not restore full points, 1 = restore to full points
mani_stats_decay_restore_points_on_connect 0

// If set to 1 a victim will never lose points ala BF2
mani_stats_points_add_only 0

// Number of days before a player is made invisible from
// being ranked. Note that the player is not dropped, if
// they rejoin their rank will be restored.
mani_stats_ignore_ranks_after_x_days 21

// Multiplier used in points calculation, default is 5.0
mani_stats_points_multiplier "5.0"

// Multiplier for victim points lost. If you want victims
// to lose say half points for dying set this to "0.5" etc
mani_stats_points_death_multiplier "1.0"

// Weapon weighting for CSS Stats
// Making a weight 2.0 will double the points given/taken
// Making a weight 0.5 will halve the points given/taken
mani_stats_css_weapon_ak47 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m4a1 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_mp5navy "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_awp "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_usp "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_deagle "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_aug "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_hegrenade "1.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_xm1014 "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_knife "2.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_g3sg1 "0.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_sg550 "0.8"
mani_stats_css_weapon_galil "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m3 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_scout "1.1"
mani_stats_css_weapon_sg552 "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_famas "1.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_glock "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_tmp "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_ump45 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_p90 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_m249 "1.2"
mani_stats_css_weapon_elite "1.4"
mani_stats_css_weapon_mac10 "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_fiveseven "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_p228 "1.5"
mani_stats_css_weapon_flashbang "5.0"
mani_stats_css_weapon_smokegrenade "5.0"

// Bonus Points for CSS Players
mani_stats_css_bomb_planted_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_bomb_defused_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_hostage_rescued_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_hostage_killed_bonus "-15"
mani_stats_css_vip_escape_bonus "4"
mani_stats_css_vip_killed_bonus "10"

// Bonus Points for CSS Teams
mani_stats_css_ct_eliminated_team_bonus "2"
mani_stats_css_t_eliminated_team_bonus "2"
mani_stats_css_ct_vip_escaped_team_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_t_vip_assassinated_team_bonus "6"
mani_stats_css_t_target_bombed_team_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_ct_all_hostages_rescued_team_bonus "10"
mani_stats_css_ct_bomb_defused_team_bonus "5"
mani_stats_css_ct_hostage_killed_team_bonus "1"
mani_stats_css_ct_hostage_rescued_team_bonus "1"
mani_stats_css_t_bomb_planted_team_bonus "2"

// Weapon weighting for DODS Stats
// Making a weight 2.0 will double the points given/taken
// Making a weight 0.5 will halve the points given/taken
mani_stats_dods_weapon_amerknife "3.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_spade "3.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_colt "1.6"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_p38 "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_c96 "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_garand "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_m1carbine "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_k98 "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_spring "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_k98_scoped "1.5"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_thompson "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mp40 "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mp44 "1.35"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_bar "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_30cal "1.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_mg42 "1.2"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_bazooka "2.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_pschreck "2.25"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_frag_us "1.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_frag_ger "1.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_smoke_us "5.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_smoke_ger "5.0"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_riflegren_us "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_riflegren_ger "1.3"
mani_stats_dods_weapon_punch "3.0"

// Bonus Points for DODS
mani_stats_dods_capture_point 4
mani_stats_dods_block_capture 4
mani_stats_dods_round_win_bonus 4

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Victim Stats
// Desc : The victim stats module shows your statistic for the period when
//        you were alive
// *****************************************************************************

// Allow the use of victim stats
// 0 = off
// 1 = on
mani_show_victim_stats 0

// Set to 1 if you don't want to see damage taken from yourself
mani_show_victim_stats_inflicted_only 0

// This controls the default mode a player will have their victim stats mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the victim stats functionality is on or off.
// 0 = mode 0, 1 = mode 1, 2 = mode 2, 3 = GUI mode
mani_player_settings_damage 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Most Destructive
// Desc : This small module for CSS only shows the player that caused
//        the most damage with their kills at the end of a round
// *****************************************************************************

// Enable most destructive stats output
mani_stats_most_destructive 1

// 0 = By Kills then damage, 1 = by damage alone
mani_stats_most_destructive_mode 0

// This controls the default mode a player will have their *Most Destructve*
// stats mode set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is
// applied to the player's stored record withing player_settings.txt it
// does not control whether the *Most Destructve* functionality is on or off.
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
mani_player_settings_destructive 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Team Kill/Wound Protection
// Desc : The stats module is a very simple ranking system based on 3 methods of
//        calculation (defined in mani_stats_calculate).
// *****************************************************************************

// Enable TK Protection 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_protection 0

// Enable TK Punishment menu 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_forgive 1

// Time allowed after freezetime where spawn protection is enabled
mani_tk_spawn_time 5

// Defines whether bots can run tk punish options on other player (1 = on)
mani_tk_allow_bots_to_punish 1

// Defines whether when tk'ing a bot adds to a players tk violation count
// 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_tk_allow_bots_to_add_violations 0

// Number of tk violations before player is banned
mani_tk_offences_for_ban 7

// Time in minutes for a tk ban, 0 = permanent
mani_tk_ban_time 5

// When set to 1 a player will be slapped and have their view moved when
// team wounding.
mani_tk_slap_on_team_wound 0

// Sets the amount of damage a team wound inflicts on the attacker
mani_tk_slap_on_team_wound_damage 0

// If set to 1 shows opposition team wounds in chat and all team wounds if
// you are spectator, 0 = normal css style
mani_tk_show_opposite_team_wound 1

// Defines whether a players tk violation count is incremented even if
// forgiven (0 = off, 1 = on)
mani_tk_add_violation_without_forgive 0

// Turn on forgive option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_forgive_option 1

// Defines whether the blind option can be used on players (1 = on)
mani_tk_allow_blind_option 1

// Amount of blindness for 'blind' punishment (255 = completely blind)
mani_tk_blind_amount 253

// Turn on slap option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_slap_option 1

// Turn on tk cash option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_cash_option 1

// Amount of health that a player will slapped to
mani_tk_slap_to_damage 10

// Amount of cash to take from a team killer
mani_tk_cash_percent 30

// Turn on freeze option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_freeze_option 1

// When set to 1 the Drug option is allowed in the TK Menu
mani_tk_allow_drugged_option 1

// Turn on burn option for tk punishments
mani_tk_allow_burn_option 1

// This defines how long the burn time should be for in seconds for a
// tk punishment
mani_tk_burn_time 100

// Turn on slay option for tk punishments
// 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_allow_slay_option 1

// Main option to turn on damage reflection
// 1 = on, 0 = off
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect 0

// Set the number of team wounds required by a player during the course
// of a map before the reflective damage kicks in
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_threshold 5

// This value is a damage multiplier that inflicts whatever damage
// (armor loss + health loss) was given to the victim back to the attacker.
// When set to 1.0 the damage is perfectly reflected, set at 2.0
// the damage inflicted back on the attacker will be twice the damage etc.
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_ratio 1.0

// An addition cvar here increases the reflection ratio each time the player
// teamwounds another player. This is to deter persistent team wounders
mani_tk_team_wound_reflect_ratio_increase 0.1

// This defines whether the tk time bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_time_bomb_option 1

// This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_time_bomb_seconds 10

// This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_time_bomb_blast_radius 1000

// 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_time_bomb_show_beams 1

// 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_time_bomb_blast_mode 2

// This defines whether the tk fire bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_fire_bomb_option 1

// This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_fire_bomb_seconds 10

// This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_fire_bomb_blast_radius 1000

// 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_fire_bomb_show_beams 1

// 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_fire_bomb_blast_mode 2

// Time in seconds that players will burn for
mani_tk_fire_bomb_burn_time 100

// This defines whether the tk freeze bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_allow_freeze_bomb_option 1

// This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_seconds 10

// This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_blast_radius 1000

// 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_show_beams 1

// 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_blast_mode 2

// Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast,
// default is 256
mani_tk_time_bomb_beep_radius 0

// Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast,
// default is 256
mani_tk_fire_bomb_beep_radius 0

// Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast,
// default is 256
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_beep_radius 0

// Allow TK Beacon circle tk option
mani_tk_allow_beacon_option 1

// Radius of beacon circle
mani_tk_beacon_radius 384

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Reserve Slot
// Desc : The Reserve slot module configuration cvars
// *****************************************************************************

// Turn on off reserve slots
mani_reserve_slots 0

// Number of reserve slots you have
mani_reserve_slots_number_of_slots 1

// User defined message shown in players console when kicked
mani_reserve_slots_kick_message "You were disconnected for using a reserve slot"

// User defined message for redirection of players to another server
mani_reserve_slots_redirect_message "This server is full, you are being redirected to another one of our servers"

// The IP address of the server you wish to redirect players to. Leave it blank
// if you do not want redirection to be used
mani_reserve_slots_redirect ""

// This defines whether you want your reserve slots to fill with reserve players
// or always be kept free (1 = allow slots to fill, 0 = always keeps slots free
// and kick player instead)
mani_reserve_slots_allow_slot_fill 1

// Type of method used to kick players, 0 = by highest ping (spectators first),
// 1 = by connection time (spectators go first)
mani_reserve_slots_kick_method 1

// Include admins in the adminlist.txt file as players who have reserve slots
// (1 = include admins)
mani_reserve_slots_include_admin 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : High Ping kick
// Desc : The Reserve slot module configuration cvars
// *****************************************************************************

// Enable disable high ping kicker (1 = on)
mani_high_ping_kick 1

// Set the ping at which you want players kicked
mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit 200

// Number of samples and averaged before a decision is made to kick a player
// (1 sample is about 1.5 seconds)
mani_high_ping_kick_samples_required 100

// Message displayed in console when player is disconnected
mani_high_ping_kick_message "Your ping is too high"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Admin action messages
// Desc : This section defines which admin actions will be anonymous to
//        non-admins on your server. If the option is set to 1 then the action
//        will not be shown to non-admins, if set to 0 then all players will
//        see which admin kicked/slayed/banned/etc a player.
// *****************************************************************************

mani_adminslap_anonymous 0
mani_adminblind_anonymous 0
mani_adminfreeze_anonymous 0
mani_adminteleport_anonymous 0
mani_admindrug_anonymous 0
mani_adminmap_anonymous 0
mani_adminswap_anonymous 0
mani_adminvote_anonymous 0
mani_adminsay_anonymous 0
mani_adminkick_anonymous 0
mani_adminslay_anonymous 0
mani_adminban_anonymous 0
mani_adminburn_anonymous 0
mani_adminnoclip_anonymous 0
mani_adminmute_anonymous 0
mani_admincash_anonymous 0
mani_adminsetskin_anonymous 0
mani_admindropc4_anonymous 0
mani_admintimebomb_anonymous 0
mani_adminfirebomb_anonymous 0
mani_adminfreezebomb_anonymous 0
mani_adminhealth_anonymous 0
mani_adminbeacon_anonymous 0
mani_admingravity_anonymous 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Chat flooding control
// Desc : This is to control chat spam with the game
// *****************************************************************************

// Sets the time threshold for chat spamming (0 = off, 1.5 is a good
// value for use)
mani_chat_flood_time 0

// Sets the message the player will receive when they are spamming
mani_chat_flood_message "STOP SPAMMING THE SERVER !!"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Basic auto balance teams
// Desc : This is a very basic auto balancer, this does not take into
//        account player skill
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to 1 for auto team balancing at end of rounds (an alternative to the
// CSSource built in team balancer)
mani_autobalance_teams 0

// 0 = Players balanced regardless if dead or alive, 1 = dead players swapped
// first followed by alive players, 2 = only dead players can be swapped
mani_autobalance_mode 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Current Time Display
// Desc : This controls the time of day message formatting
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 for military style time, 0 for 12 hour clock
mani_military_time 1

// Set to your servers timezone or leave it blank, it will be added to the
// end of the time when displayed
mani_thetime_timezone "GMT"

// mani_adjust_time cvar allows you to specify the number of minutes to
// add or subtract from your server clock when you type thetime in game.
// If you server is 20 minutes fast set mani_adjust_time -20, if it is
// 30 minutes slow set mani_adjust_time 30.
mani_adjust_time 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Voting functionality
// Desc : There are two types of vote. System started where an admin has
//        triggered a vote or User started where a user has started a vote
//        The following cvars control the configuration of the voting
// *****************************************************************************

// Allow voting 1 = on, 0 = off (this cvar controls ALL voting)
mani_voting 1

// Defines the last number of maps played to not show in random votemap lists
mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps 2

// Defines the time in minutes a extend vote will add to the timeleft counter
mani_vote_extend_time 20

// Defines the whether the a map can be extended
mani_vote_allow_extend 1

// Defines amount of time in seconds a vote will be allowed for
mani_vote_allowed_voting_time 45

// Defines whether a random map vote will be displayed towards the end of
// the map
mani_vote_allow_end_of_map_vote 1

// Number of extensions a map is allowed via user vote or random map vote,
// 0 = infinite
mani_vote_max_extends 4

// Number of rounds to extend by if mp_winlimit is not 0
mani_vote_extend_rounds 5

// Define the file to use for random map vote
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_random_map_vote 2

// Define the file that admin can select from for admin
// started vote.
// 0 = mapcycle.txt, 1 = votemapslist.txt, 2 = maplist.txt
mani_vote_mapcycle_mode_for_admin_map_vote 2

// Defines how many minutes before the end of the map that a random map vote
// is started
mani_vote_time_before_end_of_map_vote 3

// Defines how many maps can be in the end of map vote
mani_vote_max_maps_for_end_of_map_vote 10

// Allow team swap option as part of Extend map on end
// of map vote (CSS Only)
mani_vote_end_of_map_swap_team 0

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_end_of_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set rcon vote
mani_vote_rcon_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set question vote
mani_vote_question_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map vote
mani_vote_map_percent_required 10

// Defines the vote percentage required to set random map vote
mani_vote_random_map_percent_required 10

// This cvar determines how the players see the votes during voting
// 0 = quiet mode,
// 1 = show players as they vote but not their choice,
// 2 = Show voted choice but not player,
// 3 = show player name and their choice
mani_vote_show_vote_mode 3

// Following cvar now has 2 modes of operation
// 0 = alive players will see vote menu,
// 1 = alive players will need to type vote to access the menu,
mani_vote_dont_show_if_alive 0

// Allow user started votemaps
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map 1

// Allow the users to extend maps if time based
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_map_extend 1

// Allow the users to kick players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick 1

// Allow the users to ban players by vote
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set an extend map vote
mani_vote_extend_percent_required 10

// Percentage of votes required from players before map change
mani_vote_user_vote_map_percentage 1

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_map_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required to change a map (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_map_minimum_votes 3

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_mode 1

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_time_before_vote 10

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_kick_minimum_votes 4

// 0 = only when no admin on server, 1 = all the time
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_mode 0

// Percentage of votes required from players before kick occurs
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_percentage 10

// Time after a new map starts that voting is allowed
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time_before_vote 120

// Minimum number of votes required (override vote percentage)
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_minimum_votes 4

// Time in minutes for the ban, 0 = permanent ban
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_time 10

// 0 = ban by ID, 1 = ban by IP, 2 = ban by ID and IP
mani_vote_user_vote_ban_type 1

// Allow rock the vote
mani_vote_allow_rock_the_vote 1

// Defines the vote percentage required to set map
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_percent_required 60

// Time before rockthevote can be started after a new map starts
mani_vote_time_before_rock_the_vote 120

// Number of nominations included in the vote
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_nominations 6

// Number of random maps chosen from votemaplist.txt
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_number_of_maps 8

// Percentage of players on server required to type rockthevote before
// it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_percent 60

// Minimum number of players required to type rockthevote before it starts
mani_vote_rock_the_vote_threshold_minimum 4

// This controls the default mode a player will have their 'show vote progress'
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the vote progress functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_vote_progress 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Word filter module
// Desc : The following cvars control the configuration of the chat word filter
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = off, 1 = show warning to player
mani_filter_words_mode 0

// Message shown to player
mani_filter_words_warning "SWEARING IS NOT ALLOWED ON THIS SERVER !!!"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Sounds Control
// Desc : The following cvars control how system sounds are configured. This
//        is not related to the Quake sounds
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to the number of sounds you wish a regular non-admin player to be able
// to use per round
mani_sounds_per_round 0

// Set to 1 if you want alive players not to hear sounds triggered by dead
// players
mani_sounds_filter_if_dead 0

// mani_sounds_auto_download is a cvar to control whether server sounds
// (not quake sounds) are auto downloaded to a client. If set to 0 you must
// provide your own .res files to initiate transfers to a client.
// If you change this value from 1 to 0 while the server is running you
// must restart your server.
mani_sounds_auto_download 1

// This controls the default mode a player will have their death beam mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the death beam functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_sounds 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Plugin Logging
// Desc : The following cvars control how the plugin logging is configured
// *****************************************************************************

// Admin logging parameters
// Directory where logs will be stored under the mani_path directory
// The logging mode you wish to use
// 0 = default placing of log files in the same .log files that Valve creates
// 1 = logs created per map change using the same style filenames that Valve
// uses in the mani_log_directory directory
// 2 = One large file is written in the mani_log_directory
// 3 = A log is written as a steam id for each admin that runs a command, the
// format is STEAM_x_x_xxxxxxxx.log
mani_log_mode 0

// Path where the logs are stored
mani_log_directory "mani_logs"

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Death Beams  
// Desc : The death beams show a solid beam when you die between the point
//        where your attacker killed you from and the point where you
//        were when you died. Only the victim will see the beam
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = death beams not allowed, 1 = death beams are shown if player
// has them turned in their settings
mani_show_death_beams 0

// This controls the default mode a player will have their death beam mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the death beam functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
mani_player_settings_death_beam 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Anti IP Ghosting  
// Desc : The plugin can be configured to blind players on the same IP once
//        they die and another player is still alive. At the point when all
//        players ghosting on the same IP are dead they will be able to see
//        again.
// *****************************************************************************

// This cvar prevents players on the same IP from viewing the game whilst
// another player on the same IP is still alive. Admins on the same IP are
// immune from this and there is an immunity flag that can also be used.
// 0 = Dont blind ghosters on same IP, 1 = blind ghosters on same IP address
mani_blind_ghosters 0

// The following cvars can prevent players using the same IP taking over
// your server by having a majority vote and kicking players so they can play.
// 0 = Players on same IPs cannot use voteban
// 1 = Players on same IPs can use voteban
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban_ghost 1

// 0 = Players on same IPs cannot use votekick
// 1 = Players on same IPs can use votekick
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick_ghost 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Decal Map Adverts  
// Desc : In game map adverts can be placed onto static objects in the game
//        such as walls.
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 = turn on map adverts, 0 = turn off map adverts
mani_map_adverts 0

// Note about the following cvar. If you enable war mode with
// mani_map_adverts_in_war 0 then you must either change map or get the
// players to type 'retry' in their console for the existing adverts to disappear
// 1 = allow map adverts with war mode on
// 0 = disallow map adverts in war mode
mani_map_adverts_in_war 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Anti-cheat  
// Desc : For the most part this code is now out of date as Vac should pick
//        up the cheat type that this looks for so it is not worth turning on
//        the detection at the current time.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = off otherwise set to the number of name changes allowed before
// action is taken (this was for a hack that constantly changed a player's
// name making it hard to find the actual player to ban)
mani_player_name_change_threshold 15

// 0 = reset name change count per round
// 1 = reset name change count per map
mani_player_name_change_reset 0

// 0 = kick, 1 = ban by ID, 2 = ban by IP, 3 = ban by ID and IP
mani_player_name_change_punishment 0

// 0 = permanent ban otherwise specifies the number of minutes
mani_player_name_change_ban_time 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Extra spawnpoints
// Desc : Extra spawnpoints can be turned on and off using the following cvar
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = off, 1 = on (will use spawnpoints.txt file)
mani_spawnpoints_mode 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Custom Skin Control
// Desc : The following cvars are used to configure the options for the skins
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Dont allow admins to have admin skins, 1 = Allow admins to have admin
// skins
mani_skins_admin 0

// 0 = Dont allow public skins for normal players, 1 = Allow public skins
// for normal players
mani_skins_public 0

// 0 = Dont force first skin in list for public player, 1 = Force first skin
// in list on public player
mani_skins_force_public 0

// 0 = Allow all skins to be selected via ma_setskin, 1 = Only allow misc
// skins to be used
mani_skins_setskin_misc_only 0

// 0 = Dont auto download skin resources, 1 = auto download skin resources
// to clients
mani_skins_auto_download 0

// 0 = Dont allow immunity players to have reserved skins,
// 1 = Allow immunity players to have reserved skins
mani_skins_reserved 0

// 0 = No menu on team join, 1 = show skin chooser on team join,
// 2 = show settings menu on team join
mani_skins_force_choose_on_join 1

// 0 = no custom skins for bots, 1 = use random public class skins on bots
mani_skins_random_bot_skins 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Spray Tag Tracking
// Desc : The spray tag tracking module allows an admin to check the details
//        of who sprayed a tag within the game using the command ma_spray
//        while near the spray in question
// *****************************************************************************

// Spray Tag Tracking control
// 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_spray_tag 0

// Time in seconds that a spray will be tracked for
mani_spray_tag_spray_duration 120

// Max distance away from a spray that you can be for acquisition
mani_spray_tag_spray_distance_limit 500

// Use effect to show which spray is being targetted
// 0 = none
// 1 = beam (defaults to glow for DoD)
// 2 = glow
mani_spray_tag_spray_highlight 1

// Non-permanent ban time in minutes
mani_spray_tag_ban_time 60

// Console messages
mani_spray_tag_warning_message "Please stop using your spray"
mani_spray_tag_kick_message "You have been kicked for using an offensive spray"
mani_spray_tag_ban_message "You have been banned for 60 minutes through using an offensive spray"
mani_spray_tag_perm_ban_message "You have been permanently banned for using an offensive spray"

// 0 = Allow sprays on the server
// 1 = Block all sprays on the server (must have mani_spray_tag 1)
mani_spray_tag_block_mode 0

// Warning message if sprays are blocked
mani_spray_tag_block_message "Sprays are blocked on this server !!"

// Amount of damage to inflict for a spray tag warn with slap option
mani_spray_tag_slap_damage 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Warmup Timer
// Desc : Warmup timers are used at the start of a map. A timer can be setup
//        that will restart the map after a set amount of time. For something
//        like CSS this means late joiners can still start on the pistol round
//        and not miss out. For CSS there is a specific cvar to allow only
//        knives to be used during this period.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = No warmup time on map load
// Greater than 0 = number of seconds after map load until map restarts and
// play continues as normal.
mani_warmup_timer 0

// 1 = visible countdown displayed in center of screen
// 0 = no countdown displayed
mani_warmup_timer_show_countdown 1

// For CSS only, set to 1 for knife mode where players are only allowed to use
// knives during the warmup period
mani_warmup_timer_knives_only 0

// For CSS only, allow players to respawn when dying in the warmup knife round
// only
mani_warmup_timer_knives_respawn 1

// Set the following to 1 if you do not want TK punishments to be used during
// the warmup round. Set to 0 if you wish to allow tk punishments
mani_warmup_timer_ignore_tk 1

// If you want the knife mode to be disabled on fy_ and aim_ maps where guns
// are already on the ground set this to 1, set to 0 if you do not care
mani_warmup_timer_knives_only_ignore_fyi_aim_maps 1

// Set this to 1 for unlimited HE Grenades during warmup (this is really good fun !!)
mani_warmup_timer_unlimited_grenades 0

// Items to give to player at spawn i.e weapon_ak47, item_assaultsuit etc
// You can have multiple items on each cvar, the plugin will pick a random item
// from each cvar for example
// mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_2 "weapon_xm1014:weapon_usp:weapon_ump45:weapon_tmp:weapon_scout:weapon_p90:weapon_​ aug:weapon_p228:weapon_mp5navy:weapon_mac10:weapon_m4a1:weapon_m3:weapon_m249:we​ apon_glock:weapon_galil:weapon_fiveseven:weapon_ak47"

mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_1 "item_assaultsuit"
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_2 ""
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_3 ""
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_4 ""
mani_warmup_timer_spawn_item_5 ""

// If friendly fire is enabled normally setting this to 1 will disable it
// during the course of the warmup
mani_warmup_timer_disable_ff 1

// Set infinite ammo for CSS, 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
mani_warmup_infinite_ammo 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Menu options
// Desc : The following options determine the type of menu you wish to use
//        and how they are displayed
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to 1 for in game amx style menus, or 0 for Escape style menus
// This is overriden by the gametypes.txt file if the game does not support
// AMX style menus. At the time of writing there are only 3 games that support
// the AMX style. CS:S, DoD:S and HL2CTF
mani_use_amx_style_menu 1

// 0 = No sorting of menus, 1 = Sort most menus by players name
mani_sort_menus 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : External logging (V1.2 required)
// Desc : This configures extra logging that is required by extern stats
//        programs like hlstatsx and psychostats for body hit group counts
//        and accuracy related to weapon types.
// *****************************************************************************

// Enables disables the logging 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_external_stats_log 0

// Option to allow extra logs within war mode, 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_external_stats_log_allow_war_logs 0

// Option for CSS to log bot kills or not
// 0 = do not log bot kills
// 1 = log bot kills
mani_external_stats_css_include_bots 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Save scores
// Desc : This module saves player scores when they leave a map then restores
//        their scores if they then rejoin on the same map. For CSS this can
//        also include cash if the option is set. If a map is restarted via
//        mp_restartgame the saved scores are reset
// *****************************************************************************

// Enabled/Disabled save scores functionality, 0 = off/1 = on
mani_save_scores 0

// Amount of time in minutes to store a player score for, if set to 0 the score
// will be tracked for the duration of the map
mani_save_scores_tracking_time 5

// For CSS only if set to 1 the save scores module will also restore their cash
// too. 0 = off/1 = on
mani_save_scores_css_cash 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Auto Join restriction
// Desc : This module can stop a player from selecting a specific team and
//        force them to join using auto-assign or join spectator. As an
//        extension to this it can also remember the team that the player is
//        assigned to and force them to rejoin that team if they re-connect on
//        that map. The auto-join module can be overriden by ma_swapteam,
//        auto balancing and any extern plugins such as etb or ptb.
// *****************************************************************************

// Option to enabled/disable the functionality. By having it enabled the player
// must use auto-assign when joining a team
// 1 = on/0 = off
mani_team_join_force_auto 0

// When set to 1 the plugin will store the team the player was on and force them
// to that team if they try to re-connect or change team within the game.
mani_team_join_keep_same_team 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Steam ID Pending kicker
// Desc : This module can kick a player whos steam ID is stuck at
//        STEAM_ID_PENDING after a certain time period. When kicked the user
//        will be shown a message asking them to re-connect
// *****************************************************************************

// Option to specify the number of seconds to wait after the player joins the
// server before kicking them. A suggested value is about 15-20 seconds.
// If set to 0 the functionality is disabled
mani_steam_id_pending_timeout 0

// An option to display to admin when a player was kicked for having a
// steam id pending problem.
mani_steam_id_pending_show_admin 1

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : AFK Manager
// Desc : This module can control how to manage players who are AFK. It works
//        by tracking keyboard and mouse movements rather than in game player
//        positions. The manager can be configured to work using the number
//        of rounds that a player is AFK for or by a set number of seconds
//        a player can be AFK.
// *****************************************************************************

// Cvar to turn on/off the AFK Manager 0 = off, 1 = on
mani_afk_kicker 0

// 0 = Kick to spectator first, then off the server, 1 = Kick straight off the
// server
mani_afk_kicker_mode 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of rounds before a player is kicked off server or
// to spectator
mani_afk_kicker_alive_rounds 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of rounds before being kicked off server
mani_afk_kicker_spectator_rounds 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of seconds before a player is kicked off server or
// to spectator
mani_afk_kicker_alive_timer 0

// 0 = disabled, > 0 = number of seconds before being kicked off server
mani_afk_kicker_spectator_timer 0

// 0 = Immune player is not moved at all, 1 = Immune player will be moved to spectator
// but not kicked
mani_afk_kicker_immunity_to_spec_only 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Betting Module
// Desc : This module is a simple betting module similar to the Mattie's
//        event script by ajax though not as complex.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable betting, 1 = Enable betting
mani_css_betting 0

// 0 = Players can bet when alive or dead, 1 = Players can only bet when dead
mani_css_betting_dead_only 1

// This determines if a in a x vs 1 situation if the single player who the
// odds are against wins, they receive the losing wager pot.
// The setting determines at what number of players that this option applies
// e.g 5 vs 1, you would set it to 5, 3 vs 1, set it to 3.
// In the example of 5 vs 1. If the total bets made total $4000 for the team of
// 5 and they lose, the player who killed all 5 will receive the $4000 that was
// wagered against that player.
mani_css_betting_pay_losing_bets 0

// 0 = No announcement, 1 = announcement made to place bets
mani_css_betting_announce_one_v_one 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Bounty Module
// Desc : This module is a bounty module similar to that of Firesnakes Script
//        for Matties event scripts. The bounty module tracks a players kill
//        streak. Once past a certain amount of kills that player has a bounty
//        placed on their head. The person who then kills that player receives
//        the bounty
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable the module
mani_css_bounty 0

// Sets the kill streak required to have a bounty placed on a player
mani_css_bounty_kill_streak 5

// Sets the start bounty for the player
mani_css_bounty_start_cash 1000

// Sets the amount of cash add to a players bounty for surviving a round with
// a bounty on their head
mani_css_bounty_survive_round_cash 500

// Sets the amount of cash added to a players bounty for killing another player
// whilst having a bounty on themseleves
mani_css_bounty_kill_cash 250

// Sets the colour a player should turn into when a bounty is on them when playing
// as CT
mani_css_bounty_ct_red 255
mani_css_bounty_ct_green 255
mani_css_bounty_ct_blue 255
mani_css_bounty_ct_alpha 255

// Sets the colour a player should turn into when a bounty is on them when playing
// as T
mani_css_bounty_t_red 255
mani_css_bounty_t_green 255
mani_css_bounty_t_blue 255
mani_css_bounty_t_alpha 255

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Objectives Module for CSS
// Desc : This module is an objectives module that slays all players who have
//        not completed their team objectives at the end of a round. For example
//        if the CTs choose not to defuse a bomb, they will be slayed. If
//        the terrorists refuse to plant the bomb, they will be slayed at the
//        end of the round.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
mani_css_objectives 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : AutoMap Module
// Desc : This module is designed to allow a set of popular maps to be
//        autoloaded if your server has a minimum number of players on it.
//        A typical setup would be to switch to de_dust2 for instance if there
//        are no players on the server at the time.
// *****************************************************************************

// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
mani_automap 0

// This cvar sets up the list of maps that you would like to switch to, you
// can setup more than one map by seperating each map with the : symbol e.g
// mani_automap_map_list "de_dust2:de_aztec:cs_office"
mani_automap_map_list ""

// The number of players or less that will trigger the automap change
mani_automap_player_threshold 0

// Include bots in the threshold calculation.
// 0 = Exclude bots from the calculation
// 1 = Include bots in the calculation
mani_automap_include_bots 0

// Time in seconds after the player threshold has been reached that an automap
// change will take place. Default is 5 minutes (300 seconds)
mani_automap_timer 300

// If an automap event happens, you can set the next map once that map has
// loaded to be the same as the current map.
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = enabled
mani_automap_set_nextmap 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Miscallaneous
// Desc : Small cvars for various controls
// *****************************************************************************

// Call to the mani_quake_sounds.cfg file if it exists
exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg

// The following cvar controls how the mapcycle is calculated
// 0 = standard Valve map cycle,
// 1 = if you don't want your mapcycle to reset to the first in the
// list when moving to a map not in the cycle,
// 2 = random cycle (uses mani_vote_dont_show_last_maps cvar to exclude
// last maps played)
// 3 = skip to the next unplayed map in the map cycle list until all maps
// have been played when it is reset.
mani_mapcycle_mode 0

// 0 = Normal game play
// 1 = players get free HEs in CSS at spawn and after an HE has been thrown
mani_unlimited_grenades 0

// Force all dead players to run overview_mode 0 every game frame
mani_war_mode_force_overview_zero 0

// Set this to allow stacking of players in CSS
// (overrides cs_stacking_num_levels cvar)
mani_cs_stacking_num_levels 2

// mani_use_ma_in_say_command When set to 1 you must use the prefix ma_ in
// say commands, if 0 you can drop the ma_ prefix if you wish
// This is only for in game say commands and for Beetlefart compatibilty if
// you use it.
mani_use_ma_in_say_command 0

// 0 = All Dead talk off, 1 = All dead talk on
mani_dead_alltalk 0

// Set to 0 for normal mode, set to 1 for spam removal.
// This cvar is useful if you are using Mattie's Event Scripts that call
// plugin functions so the chat area is not spammed.
mani_mute_con_command_spam 0

// Enable disable top left ma_say and ma_chat
mani_adminsay_top_left 1

// Enable disable chat area ma_say and ma_chat
mani_adminsay_chat_area 1

// Allow admin say at bottom of screen
mani_adminsay_bottom_area 0

// Allow users to chat to admins using ma_chat
mani_allow_chat_to_admin 1

// Defines whether the command ff executed is shown only to the player or the
// whole server (1 = player only)
mani_ff_player_only 0

// Defines whether the command nextmap executed is shown only to the player or
// the whole server (1 = player only)
mani_nextmap_player_only 0

// Defines whether the command timeleft executed is shown only to the player
// or the whole server (1 = player only)
mani_timeleft_player_only 0

// Defines whether the command thetime executed is shown only to the player or
// the whole server (1 = player only)
mani_thetime_player_only 0

// This defines how long the burn time should be for in seconds when a player
// is burned by admin
mani_admin_burn_time 20

// This defines whether a message will be displayed when a hostage stops
// following you in CSS.
mani_hostage_follow_warning 0

// This allows you to change the prefix of chat commands, the default is @
mani_say_command_prefix "@"

// This allows all players to be able to use the ma_rates command
// 0 = Only admins with ma_rates access,
// 1 = Anyone on the server can use ma_rates
mani_all_see_ma_rates 0

// If a team swap takes place via the end of map vote, set this to 1 to
// swap the team scores, set to 0 if not (CSS Only)
mani_swap_team_score 1

// If you want the menus to close automatically after making a select like
// slay, freeze etc, set this to 1. If you wish them to stay open set this to 0
mani_old_style_menu_behaviour 0

// If you are using the AMX style menus but would prefer the option to use
// the escape style text input box when inputting text data such as when
// setting a name in the Client Admin menu, then set this to 1.
mani_menu_force_text_input_via_esc 0

// With the following cvar you can setup the maximum time that a player can ban
// for if they only have the normal ban flag 'b' setup for them. The flag for
// any kind of ban incuding permanent bans is the 'pban' flag. The value of the
// cvar is in minutes. The default value is 360 minutes or 6 hours, any admin
// with the 'b' flag but not the 'pban' flag will only be able to ban a player
// for 6 hours at the most and will not be able to do permanent bans.
mani_admin_temp_ban_time_limit 360

// This cvar slays players who are killed during a CSS round then leave and
// rejoin the server in the same round then spawn to play the same round
// more than once. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled
mani_anti_rejoin 1

// This cvar will refund the money for a weapon if it is removed at spawn
// from a player due to an impending restriction.
mani_weapon_restrict_refund_on_spawn 1

// This cvar will prevent users from picking up a weapon if it is restricted.
// It also closes a loop hole where a weapon can be bought, dropped, then
// another weapon bought (assuming 1 weapon per team is in effect)
mani_weapon_restrict_prevent_pickup 1

// 5 configs that can be run on start of map load
// mani_exec_default_file1 defaults if not set to mani_server.cfg
// mani_exec_default_file2 defaults if not set to ./mani_admin_plugin/defaults.cfg

mani_exec_default_file1 "mani_server.cfg"
mani_exec_default_file2 "./mani_admin_plugin/defaults.cfg"
mani_exec_default_file3 ""
mani_exec_default_file4 ""
mani_exec_default_file5 ""

// If you have Steam Bans running ( you can automatically
// get your client to run sb_status in the console when choosing a player
// to observe. 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled.
mani_sb_observe_mode 0

// *****************************************************************************
// Finish up with a message to the console
// *****************************************************************************

echo "****** Finished executing mani_server.cfg ******"

Den skulle altså være fin. Er du sikker på, at du har loaded Mani Admin Plugin?
remlig Sikker. jeg kan give dig et shot af min console når den starter
Ja tak Smile
Når Jeg Skal RTV'e Før Første Gang Spørger Den om:

map management options

Change Map
Set next map

Men Ingen af dem virker HVAD
Det er fordi du bruger det tool der.

Brug min guide til det rigtige her:
HvaD For En Tool. og Det Der link:
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