SRCDS Steam group

64 slots deathrun/zombie server rates ?
hello everybody

i have some questions about the css rates i whant to run a 64 slots server on 1 core/thread but what are good rates i use right now

sv_maxrate 25000
sv_minrate 10000
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_minupdaterate 33
sv_mincmdrate 33
sv_maxcmdrate 66
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 33
sv_maxunlag 1.0

are this good rates for a 64 slots deathrun or zombie server ?( on 1 core/thread )
the tick must be tick66 but a stable tick 33 is good to Smile

my server specs are:
Processor: 2 x Intel Xeon 3,2 Ghz (2 cpu's)
Geheugen: 4096 MB pc2 ecc ram
Hardeschijf: 2x 80 GB Sata Maxtor
internet : 100mb down and up colocation Smile

the 64 slots deathrun server i running on core 4 in the screenshot.

i hope i get some help from you Big Grin

gtz koek
Should be fine. Those rates are okay.

it's gona running on 1 core/thread good ?. i whold to host on every core (4 core's) 60/64 slots ? @ tick 66

gtz koek
Well one server at 66TICK with 64slots at each core should be "okay".

Your RAM is kinda limited, you might have to restart PC every second day or night. A good thing would be to do it everyday.
Thats an old Xeon, so memory won't be an issue.

That server should run fine with the setup mentioned.
Clan of Doom:

oke thx guy's that's great to hear that the server can hendel 60/64 slots on each core.
the server's gona restart every night on 5 hour.
and if the server is gona lagg i reboot the hole system Smile (every day is not a problem)
and my ram is 4096 MB pc2 ecc ram (it's the latest new verzie that you can buy have he told)

thx alot guy's for your help Big Grin

ps: and sorry for my bad english
koektrommel Wrote:oke thx guy's that's great to hear that the server can hendel 60/64 slots on each core.
the server's gona restart every night on 5 hour.
and if the server is gona lagg i reboot the hole system Smile (every day is not a problem)
and my ram is 4096 MB pc2 ecc ram (it's the latest new verzie that you can buy have he told)

thx alot guy's for your help Big Grin

I'm glad I could help Smile

koektrommel Wrote:ps: and sorry for my bad english

Your english is okay Smile
thx Smile

1 more question

i use this for statup the server but i whant to gif the server a affinity but it wont work.

@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 64 -tickrate 66 -port 27019 -affinity cpu3
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds

if the server startup he must use 1 core not all the core's i can set it in task manager but the server must do that automatic beacas if the server crash it's and start up he must take 1 core and not all the core's Smile

i hoop you can help me whit this to?

gtz koek
Use this:

@echo off
echo Protecting srcds from crashes...
echo If you want to close srcds and this script, close the srcds window and type Y depending on your language followed by Enter.
title Watchdog
echo (%time%) srcds started.
start /wait /AFFINITY 3 srcds.exe -console -game cstrike +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 64 -tickrate 66 -port 27019
echo (%time%) WARNING: srcds closed or crashed, restarting.
goto srcds

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