Tutorials, Installation af SourceMod(DANSK)
Information, disse ting skal du vide før vi starter.
- SourceMod kræver MetaMod: Source for at køre. Find min guide her til at installere MetaMod: Source:
Start med at downloade .zip filen her:
Det er ligegyldigt hvor du gemmer den. Og hvilken server du vælger at downloade fra! Ta' selvfølgelig den er tættets på dig.
Nu skal du så bare udpakke filen, sådan her:
![[Image: download1.jpg]](
Nu da vi har downloadet SourceMod. Og udpakket det, skulle din SourceMod mappe gerne se sådan her ud:
![[Image: installation1.jpg]](
Nu skal vi så kopiere de to mapper der over i din cstrike mappe.
Min cstrike mappe ligger i C:/srcds. Så derfor kopiere jeg dem selvfølgelig ind der.
Her er det vist:
(Her kopiere jeg dem)
![[Image: installation2.jpg]](
Og her ligger jeg dem ind i min cstrike mappe.
![[Image: installation3.jpg]](
Og nu skulle din cstrike/addons gerne se sådan her ud:
![[Image: installation4.jpg]](
Du har ikke nok ikke lagt mærke til at din cstrike/addons/metamod mappe har fået noget nyt indhold:
![[Image: installation5.jpg]](
Denne fil sourcemod.vdf loader SourceMod vha. MetaMod: Source.
Og inde i din cstrike/addons/sourcemod mappe skulle det gerne se sådan her ud:
![[Image: installation6.jpg]](
Nu kan du så starte din server op og så skulle SourceMod gerne indlæse, sådan her:
![[Image: installation7.jpg]](
Den røde tekst på billede er et tegn på at MetaMod: Source er indlæst!
Den blå agtige farve er mig der har skrevet en meta list kommando, så jeg kan se den gule box.
Den gule tekst på billede er et tegn på at SourceMod er indlæst!
Tillykke, du har nu installeret SourceMod!
Hvordan bliver jeg admin?
Start med at gå ind i cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs.
Åben nu admins.cfg. Den skulle se sådan her ud:
* Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name.
* The name does not have to be unique.
* Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom)
* "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are:
* "steam" - Steam based authentication
* "name" - Name based authentication
* "ip" - IP based authentication
* Anything else is treated as custom.
* Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry.
* "identity" - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name.
* Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry.
* "password" - Optional password to require.
* "group" - Adds one group to the user's group table.
* "flags" - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions.
* "immunity" - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity).
* Immunity can be any value. Admins with higher
* values cannot be targetted. See sm_immunity_mode
* to tweak the rules. Default value is 0.
* Example:
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:16"
"flags" "abcdef"
Nu kan du tilføje dig selv sådan her:
* Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name.
* The name does not have to be unique.
* Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom)
* "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are:
* "steam" - Steam based authentication
* "name" - Name based authentication
* "ip" - IP based authentication
* Anything else is treated as custom.
* Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry.
* "identity" - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name.
* Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry.
* "password" - Optional password to require.
* "group" - Adds one group to the user's group table.
* "flags" - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions.
* "immunity" - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity).
* Immunity can be any value. Admins with higher
* values cannot be targetted. See sm_immunity_mode
* to tweak the rules. Default value is 0.
* Example:
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:16"
"flags" "abcdef"
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:1987"
"flags" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstz"
Her kan du se at jeg har lavet en masse i bunden af filen.
Først tilføjet jeg migselv som en admin.
(Og ja! Det er sådan det skal skrives op!)
Ude foran flags har jeg skrevet en masse andre bogstaver, som ikke var i eksempelt.
Du kan finde information hvad de forskellige gør ved, at kigge i admin_levels.cfg.
Men! Hvis du nu også ville tilføje din gode ven, skal de bare se sådan her ud:
* Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name.
* The name does not have to be unique.
* Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom)
* "auth" - REQUIRED - Auth method to use. Built-in methods are:
* "steam" - Steam based authentication
* "name" - Name based authentication
* "ip" - IP based authentication
* Anything else is treated as custom.
* Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry.
* "identity" - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name.
* Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry.
* "password" - Optional password to require.
* "group" - Adds one group to the user's group table.
* "flags" - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions.
* "immunity" - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity).
* Immunity can be any value. Admins with higher
* values cannot be targetted. See sm_immunity_mode
* to tweak the rules. Default value is 0.
* Example:
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:16"
"flags" "abcdef"
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:1987"
"flags" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstz"
"Min gode ven, Bob"
"auth" "steam"
"identity" "STEAM_0:1:1988"
"flags" "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"
Jeg vil fraråde dig at give andre end dig selv fulde admin rettigheder!
Tillykke, du er nu en admin.
realchamp - Oversættelse & ansvarlig for denne guide.
- Ingen endnu.
Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike Source and Day of Defeat Source are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation.
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