SRCDS Steam group

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SRCDS Running Problems
Hello, when i've run my server, it says this here in the command prompt (look at the picture)

- I dont know whats the problem is, but is says that, and a little bit more (not enough space to picture it), and then closing down after 15-20 seconds. And by the way, srcds.exe doesn't work, only running work (command prompt)

By the way, if you guys know the tool in steam called Source Dedicated Server, that window doesn't show up anymore... I can run the server with command prompt, but its easier to administrate it with the srcds.exe

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.png   Forum.Srcds 4.png (Size: 205.88 KB / Downloads: 10)
You have to run the set vet ia a command line. Just running SRCDS.exe doesn't work.
The server keeps crashing because of a bad plugin.
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Can you tell me how to open the server with an command line? is there a guide or anything?
Yeh it's still on Google FYI!
Yea, i found out that i could make a srcds shortcut, and type in a target line, so the server would be runned in a command prompt FYI, but my problem is, that i can't open my server the same way Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server (Steam Tools) does...
(10-25-2010, 04:45 AM)Andreas_Paludan Wrote:  Yea, i found out that i could make a srcds shortcut, and type in a target line, so the server would be runned in a command prompt FYI, but my problem is, that i can't open my server the same way Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server (Steam Tools) does...

The srcds.exe isn't ment to be ran as a GUI software. That's where the Steam Tool comes in.
Jo, den fortæller, at man bare skal åbne srcds.exe for at få åbnet serveren med interface, jeg siger bare, at steam tool gør det samme, men problemet er, at srcds.exe ikke åbner noget, som den burde!?
(10-26-2010, 12:39 AM)Andreas_Paludan Wrote:  Jo, den fortæller, at man bare skal åbne srcds.exe for at få åbnet serveren med interface, jeg siger bare, at steam tool gør det samme, men problemet er, at srcds.exe ikke åbner noget, som den burde!?

srcds.exe er stadigvæk ikke beregnet til at skulle gøre som GUI, derfor har VALVe nok fjernet det siden opdateringen til OrangeBox. Den guide, som du bruger der ikke blevet opdateret siden da! Og prøv eventuelt at fjern alle dine addons Smile
har jeg prøvet Toungue og det var da noget lort, jeg havde det meget nemmere med GUI :S
(10-26-2010, 05:05 AM)Andreas_Paludan Wrote:  har jeg prøvet Toungue og det var da noget lort, jeg havde det meget nemmere med GUI :S
Nah konsol den er dejlig Smile
Du skal køre srcds.exe med parameteret -game cstrike (uden -console), for at åbne GUI'en
Slå den med jeres fiberforbindelser...

[Image: 1308107839.png]
(10-27-2010, 09:33 PM)lol554 Wrote:  Du skal køre srcds.exe med parameteret -game cstrike (uden -console), for at åbne GUI'en

Brugte du Google?!??!?! Snyderi!
(10-27-2010, 09:41 PM)realchamp Wrote:  
(10-27-2010, 09:33 PM)lol554 Wrote:  Du skal køre srcds.exe med parameteret -game cstrike (uden -console), for at åbne GUI'en

Brugte du Google?!??!?! Snyderi!

Jeg brugte hovedet, så desværre.. Sad
Slå den med jeres fiberforbindelser...

[Image: 1308107839.png]
Tror jeg han gjorde Big Grin fandt selv det her
Hvorfor spurgte vi ikke onkel Google? :
PS: Nogen som kender hans efternavn? (Google's efternavn Toungue)
[Image: b_350_20_692108_381007_FFFFFF_000000.png]
I only have 1 server Sad
Jeg brugte skam ikke google, jeg kan bare det pis Smile
Slå den med jeres fiberforbindelser...

[Image: 1308107839.png]

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