SRCDS Steam group

scrolling stops with custom nicknames
when a player joins tha has a 'custom' nickname/username that contains custom charaters (you know the ascii sorta-looking things) my srcds terminal window stops scrolling - the game continues to work perfect thou Smile

is there something i can do so that the scrolling is NOT bothered by custom charaters in players' names?

what do you mean by stop scrolling? does srcds stop generating any output at the console? or does your terminal emulation (whatever you use) stop scrolling along the output so you just don't see it (unless scrolling manually down)? (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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BehaartesEtwas Wrote:what do you mean by stop scrolling? does srcds stop generating any output at the console? or does your terminal emulation (whatever you use) stop scrolling along the output so you just don't see it (unless scrolling manually down)?

"srcds stop generating any output at the console"
.. yes .. thats a better description.

Funny I was curious and I logged into my console. Using screens and what not and I noticed while watching the screen and when a player who joins using "leet speak" as its called lol the console pauses for about 5-10 seconds then continues where it would have been had it never paused.
*Windows lack of output*
You: Hey, I want to run this program!
Windows: Ok.. It crashed... Now what? Give up?
*linux output helpful?*
You: ./My_program
Linux:...Failed!...oo kitties!
afterhoursgaming Wrote:Funny I was curious and I logged into my console. Using screens and what not and I noticed while watching the screen and when a player who joins using "leet speak" as its called lol the console pauses for about 5-10 seconds then continues where it would have been had it never paused.

yes, I observe the same problem. but it continues afterwards every time. I am running the servers in a screen process, maybe it has something to do with this? (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
Do not ask technical questions via PM!

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