SRCDS Steam group

EventScripts Plugin
EventScripts is a Counter-Strike: Source add-on that enhances the server console commands and will automatically execute a server config file whenever a game event occurs. For example, you can create a "round_end.cfg" file in your cstrike/cfg directory and it will execute when the round is over. For a full list of possible events, check your server's *.res files. EventScripts also supports in-line event variable expansion, extended event variables, server variables, user variables, message logging, player message broadcasting, simple conditional expressions, math operations, etc.

Users have created scripts that handle server-wide trivia, Last-Man-Standing betting, improved grenade realism, hitbox damage stat announcement, clan matches, etc. Combined with an admin mod like Mani's, you can do just about anything.

Detailed information:

Forums (with lots of great script packs):

They have moved to new forums!
Mattie Forums

Check out mattie's other addons like Mug Mod and Grenadefest!
is this mod compatable with hl2dm?
c2um3 Some events i think are. However I will do some postin to see if it is.
thank you dark i have had this plugin in my add on folder for weeks and i haven't ever got it 2 work... even the line u are suposed 2 put in your server.cfg are unrecognized commands... this plugin is capabul of some cool thing's and i would like 2 use them in hl2mp.....
They may only fuction for CS:S, cuz I do not see any scripts that have DM code in them. By DM code is we have code for bomb_defused but not like rebels_win etc.
i didn't honestly beleave it would work most good plugin's i have found are only for css... and i would play css but i suck sence there is no gravity gun Sad
I dunno, Mani was converted for DM. Perhaps there will be an eventscripts for DM once Mattie gets his CS version a bit more underway.
DarkZealot89 Wrote:I dunno, Mani was converted for DM. Perhaps there will be an eventscripts for DM once Mattie gets his CS version a bit more underway.

Actually, it works for HL2DM, you just have to do some tweaks. See this forum for more information on using EventScripts for HL2DM:

By the way, if anyone hasn't visited EventScripts lately, you should. I recently released version

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