~ Mooga ...w00t? - SRCDS.com on Twitter Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
I Can't add them it says me :
Error Attaching File
The type of file that you attached is not allowed. Please remove the attachment or choose a different type .
HUD-statistics display limit relative round freeze end.
Negative time will clear the HUD-statstics before the
round freeze time has ended. (Default -2 sec.)
amx_statsx_freeze < 3 >
When activating this plugin the Stats Settings Plugin,
"statscfg", should also be activated.
Activating the Stats Settings Plugin allows configuration
to be done either with client GUI menus or in server
configuration files.
amx_statscfg < "on" or "off" > < on >
StatsX options:
"KillerChat" - show killer stats in the chat section
"ShowAttackers" - show attackers on HUD (deactivated)
"ShowVictims" - show victims on HUD (deactivated)
"ShowKiller" - show killer on HUD
"ShowTeamScore" - shows team score at round end (deactivated)
"ShowTotalStats" - shows round total stats (deactivated)
"ShowBestScore" - shows rounds best scored player
- shows rounds most disruptive player
"EndPlayer" - display player stats MOTD at map end
"EndTop15" - display top15 MOTD at the end of map
"SayHP" - allow for say /hp
"SayStatsMe" - allow for say /statsme
"SayRankStats" - allow for say /rankstats
"SayMe" - allow for say /me
"SayRank" - allow for say /rank
"SayReport" - allow for say /report
"SayScore" - allow for say /score
"SayTop15" - allow for say /top15
"SayStatsAll" - allow for say /stats
"SayMiscFunc" - allow for say /timeleft, /thetime,
/currentmap, /ff
"ShowStats" - client HUD-stats switched on by default
"ShowDistHS" - show distance and HS in attackers and
victims HUD lists
"SpecRankInfo" - displays rank info when spectating
Stats plugin options (flags) to define what to display to
the clients.
NOTE! To deactivate all options set flags to " "
(one quoted space).
amx_statsx_mode < flags >
"a" - delay (0.01s) HUD stats on HUD reset