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2 L4D servers on same machine
Firefox005 Wrote:You can specify in your server_cfg##.cfg different mapcycle files to use for each server. Simply add the line:

mapcyclefile <mapcyclefilenamehere.txt>

and inside that file you add the maps that you want on the server, if you only have vs maps it will be a versus server.

No it doesn't work.

you can use

callvote changemission (farm_vs|hospital_vs)

and thus make it load the vs maps, but when I leave the server it goes back to the map that was loaded on startup. And if you call for a vote within the menu system you go to the normal map and not the versus map.
When I run the script to start my two servers, I've just used NetCon to change the map manually on the second server. As long as it used separate configs I'm happy. Only issue though is that after I opened port 27016 on my router for my second server, it still doesn't work. First one does though.

I'll have to do a port scan or something.

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