SRCDS Steam group

Help setting up sourcemod admin
Hello, I have made quite a few topics but I would like the best help, which is why I keep coming here. For admin I have been basically just using rcon, but I also have metamod and sourcemod installed on my server. I got commands like rockthevote to work, but I never setup admin. Can anybody show me how to go through the steps? Thanks.
Okay, start with going into DIR/srcds/srcds/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/config

Open admins.cfg

Should look like this one:
* Each admin should have its own "Admin" section, followed by a name.
* The name does not have to be unique.
* Available properties: (Anything else is filtered as custom)
*      "auth"          - REQUIRED - Auth method to use.  Built-in methods are:
*                        "steam"  - Steam based authentication
*                        "name"   - Name based authentication
*                        "ip"    - IP based authentication
*                        Anything else is treated as custom.
*                     Note: Only one auth method is allowed per entry.
*      "identity"      - REQUIRED - Identification string, for example, a steamid or name.
*                     Note: Only one identity is allowed per entry.
*      "password"      - Optional password to require.
*      "group"         - Adds one group to the user's group table.
*      "flags"         - Adds one or more flags to the user's permissions.
*        "immunity"        - Sets the user's immunity level (0 = no immunity).
*                          Immunity can be any value.  Admins with higher
*                          values cannot be targetted.  See sm_immunity_mode
*                          to tweak the rules.  Default value is 0.
* Example:
        "auth"            "steam"
        "identity"        "STEAM_0:1:16"
        "flags"            "abcdef"

Change this part of the .cfg file:
(Make this under Admins)
        "auth"            "steam"
        "identity"        "STEAM_0:1:16"
        "flags"            "abcdef"

Replace BAILOPAN with your ingame nick(Don't use any special letters!)
Replace identity with your OWN SteamID.
Replace flags with abcdefghijklmnopqrstz
Here is the description of the different frags:
* There is no reason to edit this file.  Core uses this to map each named
* access type to a given ASCII character.  The names are all pre-defined.
     * These are the default role flag mappings.
     * You can assign new letters for custom purposes, however you should
     * not change the default names, as SourceMod hardcodes these.
        "reservation"    "a"            //Reserved slots
        "generic"        "b"            //Generic admin, required for admins
        "kick"            "c"            //Kick other players
        "ban"            "d"            //Banning other players
        "unban"            "e"            //Removing bans
        "slay"            "f"            //Slaying other players
        "changemap"        "g"            //Changing the map
        "cvars"            "h"            //Changing cvars
        "config"        "i"            //Changing configs
        "chat"            "j"            //Special chat privileges
        "vote"            "k"            //Voting
        "password"        "l"            //Password the server
        "rcon"            "m"            //Remote console
        "cheats"        "n"            //Change sv_cheats and related commands
         * Custom flags can be used by plugins, but they can also be used to
         * for you to expand on the previous groups, using Overrides.
        "custom1"        "o"
        "custom2"        "p"
        "custom3"        "q"
        "custom4"        "r"
        "custom5"        "s"
        "custom6"        "t"
         * Root is a magic access flag that grants all permissions.
         * This should only be given to trusted administrators.  
         * Root users can target anyone regardless of immunity,
         * however, they themselves are not automatically immune.
        "root"            "z"

- Realchamp
Thanks a bunch it worked. I was adding my admins in the example >.>
Also one more thing, when I gave rcon access, but as soon as I join the server it says bad rcon password. Is there somewhere I tell sourcemod the rcon password?
No, RCON with Sourcemod is only for executing RCON commands trought Sourmoce, so if your admins have RCON acess they will be able to execute RCON commands.(same as mani).

if you gave them the RCON_password they'll be able to access it Smile(Not with Sourcemod, since it has nothing to do with it).

If they've access to sourcemod RCON so should they use: @rcon <cmd>(Not sure if this counts for sourcemod, it does for mani!).
hou add admins by ip ?
Here is a link...

Also, this thread is VERY old!
yes yes yes
You think i don t look in their?
So i have thu create new one ?
Tu pydero galva kai tokie nervina
Yes, please do that. I will lock this one..

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