SRCDS Steam group

How to log what an admin does on my server?
I gave admin to a clan member but I just want to make sure he is not admin abusing.

How can I log all of their actions etc?

What mod are you using?
There might be an admin log.
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
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Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Mooga Wrote:What mod are you using?
There might be an admin log.

I'm using Mani Admin Plugin v1.2BetaS.
Well, you could always just have the server log on. Just input +log 1 into the startup command line so that the server will log whatever admins, players, etc. do on the server.
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I quess you use Mani..

Goto: cstrike/cfg/mani_server.cfg

Somewhere in there, is there an option which controls the plugin log for admins.
Yeah, in cstrike/cfg/ then there should be a mani admin folder. Enter that, and there's another folder for the logs.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Exactly. Spartanfrog Wink
Open mani_server.cfg located in cstrike/cfg.

Ctrl + F = control find log

Look for this and edit to your settings.

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Plugin Logging
// Desc : The following cvars control how the plugin logging is configured
// *****************************************************************************

// Admin logging parameters
// Directory where logs will be stored under the mani_path directory
// The logging mode you wish to use
// 0 = default placing of log files in the same .log files that Valve creates
// 1 = logs created per map change using the same style filenames that Valve
// uses in the mani_log_directory directory
// 2 = One large file is written in the mani_log_directory
// 3 = A log is written as a steam id for each admin that runs a command, the
// format is STEAM_x_x_xxxxxxxx.log
mani_log_mode 0

// Path where the logs are stored
mani_log_directory "mani_logs"
I forgot that mani had this This will make things easier to find what admins do instead of what the server logs....difficult to look through many logs.
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