SRCDS Steam group

hl2mp: Server never reaches "Executing dedicated server config file" line

I've been tweaking with this for the last couple of days, but when I execute on linux srcds, this is how far i get:

Note, I removed the ip string I use and left it as <ip_goes_here>
and have truncated some of output regarding the "CSoundEmitterSystem" messages I get [except for the first and last such message] to keep this post more concise:

{localhost:/path/to/directory/srcds_l} ./srcds_run -console -game hl2mp -maxplayers 16 +ip <ip_goes_here> -port 27015                            
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Half-Life 2 Deathmatch"
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/level_sounds_e3_c17.txt
.... [editors note: snipped]
CSoundEmitterSystem::AddSoundsFromFile:  No such file scripts/npc_sounds_gman.txt
maxplayers set to 16
Network: IP <ip_goes_here>, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL

The server STOPS at this line until I eventually force a quit [I have waited at that line of execution for about 10 minutes in case there was something that the program is processing, parsing, a memory resource it's waiting on, etc]. However, I don't get the coveted message about:

Executing dedicated server config file
after the last line, like people who have the server successfully starting have reported in their output.

I have also tried this on 2 seperate machines running different flavours of linux [one being redhat the other being debian]. I have followed the instructions in the srcds linux server instruction page: ]] and instructions posted elsewhere which posted very similar instructions [which I can link to].

Notes/what I've done to solve this:
1. I *have* created a server.cfg file and placed it in this directory (as per suggestions in other forum posts): srcds_l/hl2mp/cfg/

the contents of that file I can post if necessary, but it seems like it's not even finding it or getting to the part in the execution of the code where it looks for that file, or posts output about being able to/not being able to be able to find the 'server config file'

2. I have run this with the -debug flag, but have not seen any debug file generated. Where should I look for debug output? When I exit gracefully by typing "quit" and pressing enter, no debug file appears in this or any subdirectories with a timestamp matching the time I last executed the src server. [though there are some 'debug' files, they do not match the timestamp of my recent server execution operations]

Any thoughts would be warmly appreciated! Thank you for taking a moment to read this.
We found the problem.

When running: srcds_run

it is apparently necessary to include the map parameter:
ie: +map real_map_goes_here

We thought that a map would have been randomly chosen if we didn't include the parameter.

thanks for reading and helping!

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