SRCDS Steam group

multipule servers
Is it fairly easy to get more than one instance of the dedicated server to run on a single box? I have one that is multi homed & I would like to run two TF2 servers off of it. I would assume that I need two config file & have to point the srds.exe to the individual cfg files.


Y0urDaddy Wrote:Is it fairly easy to get more than one instance of the dedicated server to run on a single box? I have one that is multi homed & I would like to run two TF2 servers off of it. I would assume that I need two config file & have to point the srds.exe to the individual cfg files.



Ideally you should make a separate install for each server. That way, the chance of there being a conflict is almost zero. If it's multi-homed, you'll probably want to be able to choose which IP you're going to use. On the command line, use the +ip parameter to set the server to the specified IP.

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