SRCDS Steam group

I have a little prob with server!
I found that bug from my server. First i took all plugins off and restart my server again and run it only with basic settings and it worked. After that i put several plugins back like mani and ptbx and it worked after that too. Then i put metamod back too and run it without external plugins. Just meta, and worked fine. Then i add vip-mod and ftpbooster in meta and again worked great. Finaly and last i re-install eventscript into server and it worked still. So, after those test i put one by one all those eventscript addons on it and after that my server has worked without any problems. I had one meta script called glittermod which i didn't install back. So i think that plugin was reason why my server act so weird. I also took every other meanless files away.
But now server is running 24/7 and it works very great. =)

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