02-18-2005, 12:48 AM
Quote:1 Highest access-level. Allows these commands, plus those in Levels 2 and 3:
admin_execclient (@execclient)
admin_password (@password)
admin_rcon (@rcon)
2 Medium access-level. Allows these commands, plus those in Level 3:
admin_alltalk (@alltalk)
admin_ban (@ban)
admin_banip (@banip)
admin_cancelvote (@cancelvote)
admin_changeteam (@changeteam)
admin_dropbomb (@dropBomb)
admin_fart (@fart)
admin_fartall (@fartall)
admin_fartct (@fartct)
admin_fartt (@fartt)
admin_ff (@ff)
admin_gravity (@gravity)
admin_mute (@mute)
admin_relieve (@relieve)
admin_relieveall (@relieveall)
admin_restart (@restart)
admin_showip (@showip)
admin_showips (@showips)
admin_timelimit (@timelimit)
3 Least access-level. Allows only these commands:
admin_banmenu (@banmenu)
admin_banipmenu (@banipmenu)
admin_cancelvote (@cancelvote)
admin_chat (@chat)
admin_fartmenu (@fartmenu)
admin_help (@help)
admin_kick (@kick)
admin_kickmenu (@kickmenu)
admin_list (@list)
admin_map (@map or @changelevel)
admin_menu (@menu)
admin_nextmap (@nextmap)
admin_playsound (@playsound)
admin_psay (@psay)
admin_restmenu (@restmenu)
admin_say (@say)
admin_slay (@slay)
admin_slaymenu (@slaymenu)
admin_tsay (@tsay)
admin_startmatch (@startmatch)
admin_votekick (@votekick)
admin_votemap (@votemap)
admin_votemaps (@votemaps)
4 Reserved-slot, no-kick access-level.
Allows no admin commands, but allows this player to join a "full" server if ReservedSlot is enabled, and a reserved slot is available.
This access level also ensures this player won't be kicked to make room for another Admin joining the "full" server.