SRCDS Steam group

Permission denied running ./hldsupdatetool.bin
yashton@dolphy:~$ mkdir srcds_l
yashton@dolphy:~$ cd srcds_l
yashton@dolphy:~/srcds_l$ wget
....cut out the junk of it downloading.....
04:26:28 (126.36 KB/s) - `hldsupdatetool.bin' saved [3513408/3513408]
yashton@dolphy:~/srcds_l$ chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin
yashton@dolphy:~/srcds_l$ ls -l
total 3436
-rwxr-xr-x 1 yashton yashton 3513408 2005-09-01 22:27 hldsupdatetool.bin
yashton@dolphy:~/srcds_l$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin
-bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: Permission denied
yashton@dolphy:~/srcds_l$ sudo ./hldsupdatetool.bin
sudo: unable to execute ./hldsupdatetool.bin: Permission denied

Machine stats:
Dell PowerEdge 2450
Dual 933 MHz Pentium 3
1 GB memory
Ubuntu Linux 6.10 Server (Edgy Eft)
Linux dolphy 2.6.17-11-server #2 SMP Thu Feb 1 19:53:33 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
who is the owner of the file? do a "ls -l" in that directory and just give yourself or dolphy ownership.
fqdn Wrote:who is the owner of the file? do a "ls -l" in that directory and just give yourself or dolphy ownership.

Dolphy is name of machine, yashton is username. I already tried running "chown yashton etc.", even though the file is already listed as owned by my user.
I also tried running the file as sudo. Same result.

Edit: I also went and ran "chmod 777 hldsupdatetool.bin" still Permission Denied.
that's strange, to bypass, maybe someone has the steam executable available for download so you don't have to uncompress blah blah.

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