SRCDS Steam group

Troubles using WinXP SP2 and srcds
Well, first of all, sorry for my poor english, I will try Toungue
Today I've downloaded the Updatetool, and I'ev downloaded the srcds for Win32, when I get up the server, I can't see it on LAN, I add manually the IP in favourites and I can't see it too (I've said this properly?), Iv've copied the srcds directory to the other computer and I can see it!
Otherwise, if in the same machine I put an HLSW tool i can't see the server.

I think that srcds may cause some issues with Windows XP SP2 Firewall.

I'm gonna format that computer becouse I've seen many troubles with the DHCP default server, and I don't know if the trouble with SRCDS will continue already or not. I will format it and I won't install SP2.

This won't be a WON server, only a LAN server that I will use with many friends, but I will install mani admin plugin, It will be better using Updatetol srcds, than srcds Steam GUI.

If someone can help me, I will be too pleased.

Take it easy dudes ;D

PD: Please, if i've said something not well in english please tell me, I want to improve my english.
[Image: 6817409.jpg]
It's only a joke Big Grin

Avatar: Kaneda, manga AKIRA, by Katsuhiro Otomo
If you have the WindowsXP Firewall turned on I would try turning it off and testing your server again. If that's the problem you would just have to open the ports that srcds uses and your problem would be fixed.
[Image: minisig.gif]
The problem is that I've disabled the Firewall.

I've opened the 27015 port in both protocols, UDP and TCP, and it still non running.

This night, when back from work, I will do:
format C: (g0 everithing take by ass Rolleyes )

Some time ago (is this OK?), I've installed the Antivirus and Firewall Norton, it's completely uninstalled, can it be the problem?

[Image: 6817409.jpg]
It's only a joke Big Grin

Avatar: Kaneda, manga AKIRA, by Katsuhiro Otomo
If you completely uninstalled Norton then it shouldn't be doing anything. Are you on connected to a network ? If so you might have to forward that port through your router or hardware firewall as well.
[Image: minisig.gif]
This afternoon I've formatted the server, and I'v einstalled Windows without the SP2, by the time, I've only installed thas Dial Up Broadband Program, anything else, I've tried the srcds and it runs properly!! I'm happyToungue!!!, but I'm afraid that if I install Norton, I may broke all my work, but I can't be unprotected for the external issues.

What must I do?
[Image: 6817409.jpg]
It's only a joke Big Grin

Avatar: Kaneda, manga AKIRA, by Katsuhiro Otomo
install norton .... if configured properly it wont be a problem Gaming Servers
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Stealth Wrote:install norton .... if configured properly it wont be a problem

That's for sure dude ;D

Last night I've been thinking in the posible problem that causes srcds unnruning (it's OK?), and finally I thougth that the problem has been caused by the WIX XP SP2 firewall.

[Image: 6817409.jpg]
It's only a joke Big Grin

Avatar: Kaneda, manga AKIRA, by Katsuhiro Otomo

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