SRCDS Steam group

Source Server not starting
hey, I'm new to the forums and am wondering if anyone has an answer to my question. I've tried a few places but so far no problems like mine so far. (I would post in the windows dedi server forum but obviously that's not possible atm).

I've been creating HL & HL2 Servers on my machine before I do it for real on a dedicated server. I can get the HL (day of defeat) server to start up no problem along with HLTV.

However my Source server just won't start, after setting everything right (after double checkng many times) it just doesn't start, the hour glass comes up as if it's processing but then disappears and nothing. I even checked the task manager processes and it does start but then shuts itself off again and I am not sure why.

Any advice or anything that someone may need to know to help, ,just ask.

Redeemer Wrote:However my Source server just won't start, after setting everything right (after double checkng many times) it just doesn't start, the hour glass comes up as if it's processing but then disappears and nothing.  I even checked the task manager processes and it does start but then shuts itself off again and I am not sure why.

ok go to start menu then go to run
type in cmd press enter
type in cmd this c:\srcds\srcds.exe -game cstrike (or were urs is sroted this is defualt)

if this works a green box appers choose ur settings and start srever

hope this helps ya

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