SRCDS Steam group

Only Halflife 1
Okay I've followed the tutorial, and it seems pretty straightforward.

When I run the update the first time, it installs HL1 files. Obviously not what I want. If I run the command a second time, it tells me I can't mess Hl1 and source files, so I pick a new directory, and the counterstrike files are downloaded. However, the files are only counterstrike specific, and are missing all the HL2 base files, including that important liblist.gam file used for Adminmod and such.

I've read through every forum post and some people seem to have gotten stuck in the same situation, but it seems like they are doing something I'm not that gets them the HL2 base files. Any ideas why I'm getting HL1 then CStrike files, and not HL2 and Cstrike files? Thanks in advance.
Post up the command line you are using to download the game so we can compare. Gaming Servers
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I used the one in the TUT.

-command update -game Counter-Strike Source -dir CserversServer 3 CSS -username ugservers -password ***** -remember_password

I am having the same problem.
-command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir "CserversServer 3 CSS" -username ugservers -password ***** -remember_password

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