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i have question
what best Linux distribution will be for CS 1.6 and CSS ?
and what do i need install to run this game servers?
any thing else?
thank you
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You don't need apache, mysql, or php to install the gameserver, my boxes only have normal system processes, and vsftpd running along with the games. As for best distro, its all about prefrences, I personally prefer Gentoo. some prefer debian, some FreeBSD.
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starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
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I use freeBSD at the moment, it handles cpu usage really good, runs better and holds more servers then my fedora core 2 server. right now i have a 16 player source and a 16 player 1.6, and im about to put my dod server back up. But with CSS and 1.6 full on my 3ghz P4 HT, i get about 30-50 CPU usage.
I've heard Gentoo is really good, alot of server admins say they prefer it now, so im guessing its worth a try, if you host your server yourself and can format at will, just play around with different flavors of *nix.
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You could probably run on a stripped-down "Live CD" version of Linux. One of the slick things about Linux is that it can be used in systems from the very big (Beowulf on IBM mainframes) to the very tiny (Linksys routers, parking lot pay stations). I'll bet you could run on a system that had only a kernel and nothing else, if you knew how to spawn the CS process as a replacement for init. (init is the program that runs when the kernel starts. It's the grandfather of all other processes.)
Seriously, though, just get a distro you feel comfortable with, and install only what you'll actually be using. You can always add more features as you find the need for them. Don't install stuff you won't need, because it'll just soak up precious memory and CPU.
Will your system be at home or in a data center? If you have physical access, then you don't need FTP or ssh. If you plan to use Linux remotely, then install just sshd (secure shell daemon). Don't install FTP. Use a ssh client to control the server and transfer files. For a Win32 client you can use WinSCP to upload and download files.
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thank you for or your reply and your help
i installed Fedora 2, find out the most easy way to install 
still noob @ linux 
but will get there
i need FTP so some of my admin have easy access to map files.
so i installed linux, have installed game server and is running but i cant see on LAN or true Internet ip.
Firewall Disabled
any idea what can be wrong?
thanx again
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What was your command line?
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starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
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Half-Life Servers
CS 1.6 War Server 01
cd gameserver/public/hl/cs16/war01
./hlds_run -game cstrike +map de_aztec +ip +port 27055 +maxplayers 13 -pingbooster 1 -autoupdate 1 &
./steam -command update -game cstrike -username -password xxxxxx -remember_password -verify_all
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now installing CSS
Half-Life 2 Server
CSS FunMap Server 01
cd gameserver/public/hl2/css/fun01
./srcds_run -game cstrike +map de_dust2 +ip +port 27015 +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate 1 -steamuser -steampass xxxxxx &
./steam -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -username -password xxxxxx -verify_all
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if you are on a lan you'll see the LAN ip, just tell your router where to send the packets for port 27015. when i ran it from my house my server would use the IP, but it would still show up on the serverlist and people could join, if not all you need to do is open ports, but as you said you dont have a firewall.
Like monkey asked, are you hosting it or is it at a datacenter? if a datacenter you may need to use the +ip command.
Something to help troubleshoot this, load the server, type status in the server console, and past what it says
hostname: The Source of Phear
build : 2260
udp/ip :
map : de_cbble at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 13 (16 max)
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Quote:i need FTP so some of my admin have easy access to map files.
Actually, you don't. FTP should be discouraged for upload access. And HTTP 1.1 is now a reasonable public download alternative. Use scp (secure copy) or sftp (secure FTP) for uploads and private downloads. That way you won't be broadcasting your password in plaintext across the Internet. Get a SCP/SFTP client. As I said, your Windows admins can use WinSCP, a very nice graphical client.
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ok, now my server some how stop working totaly
Quote:[sabaki@sabakigserver01 war01]$ ./hlds_run -game cstrike +map de_aztec +ip +port 27055 + maxplayers 13 -pingbooster 1 - -autoupdate 1 -steamuser -steampass xxxxxx &
Auto detecting CPU
Using Pentium II Optimised binary.
Auto-restarting the server on crash
Updating server using Steam.
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Logging in as ''
Checking/Installing 'Counter-Strike Base Content' version 15
Checking/Installing 'Linux Server Engine' version 16
Checking/Installing 'Half-Life Base Content' version 7
HLDS installation up to date
Console initialized.
scandir failed:/home/sabaki/gameserver/public/hl/cs16/war01/./platform/SAVE
Protocol version 47
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 02:38:31 Jul 7 2004 (2738)
STEAM Auth Server
couldn't exec language.cfg
Server IP address
Host_Error: Couldn't get DLL API from !
FATAL ERROR (shutting down): Host_Error: Couldn't get DLL API from !
Add "-debug" to the ./hlds_run command line to generate a debug.log to help with solving this problem
Thu Feb 3 05:12:27 EST 2005: Server restart in 10 seconds
CRASH: Thu Feb 3 04:55:11 EST 2005
Start Line: ./hlds_i686 -game cstrike +map de_aztec +ip +port 27055 +maxplayers 13 -pingbooster 1 -autoupdate 1 -debug -pidfile
End of crash report
now i'm realy lost
and why it saying
"Auto detecting CPU
Using Pentium II Optimised binary.¨
any ideas what can be wrong?
thank you
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The scandir error looks suspicious. Is that directory readable?
What kind of CPU do you have?
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CPU is DUAL Pentum 4 2.8 GB
all files are chmod -R 755
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Do you in fact have that specific directory?
Does Linux correctly identify the CPU during boot? Look at the output of dmesg.
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02-03-2005, 04:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2005, 04:46 AM by X-ile.)
BornAgainst Wrote:-pingbooster 1 - -autoupdate 1
try taking out the extra - after 1
also, try running the server without autoupdate, i had a problem with it after installing css, doubt thats it, but trial and error works.